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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. No, it’s a sports bra…,
  2. Funny coincidence, he sucks too…
  3. Did you just say something…
  4. The funny thing is he doesn’t even know he is wearing womens clothes, what a nozzle, when he finds out he is gonna pout for a couple of days, 🤣
  5. How does a scantily clothed women of your choice effect your statement…
  6. I think some of us won’t miss that, 🤣
  7. I thought we won the off season, And over, and over, and over…,
  8. Absolutely, 😁👍
  9. The GDT should be an entertaining read as usual, from quality commentary to massive over reactions, I for one cannot wait, 😁👍 GO BILLS!!!
  10. What OBD aught to do is have a sign over every Stadium exterior entrance that says; “ HOME OF THE BILLS MAFIA” or not…, 😂
  11. It was pretty lazy analysis, one would think a physics genius would account for the other rather obvious variables
  12. Bob sold out a couple years back iirc, his name is just for continuity for the furniture store chain,
  13. As much as I like the guy, and I do, The elephant in the room is his chronic ankle injury, that pretty obviously effects his production, a long term re-up would need to reflect this, jmo.
  14. There is truth in what you say, but during actual games CBs hold with great regularity, and are seldom penalized for doing so, it’s a matter of taking what the Refs are allowing, Sauce comes to mind as an example,
  15. Elam’s number one priority, like all CBs is to prevent WRs from catching the ball, like I said in previous posts in this thread, unless it’s a point of the offense getting their timing down, he should ignore both the OC & WR #1, their priorities are not Elam’s priorities.
  16. Yup, but Elam for the most part should ignore them, if it’s not about letting them run plays so they get the timing down etc, outside of that he should do what he’s doing, he’s not there to let receivers catch the ball,
  17. The negativity is a defense mechanism, one sees this in folk who never actually learned to socialize with their peers growing up.
  18. KD was likely making a point of accidental injury type of thing, but who knows, maybe he was encouraging him so his boys get better at countering holding in games, ya never know….
  19. Yup, he can be a piece of work at times, I think he dislikes it when nice things happen… 😁
  20. Yes, he is part of the flat earth play series…,
  21. I would describe it as heavily massaged officiating from time to time, rather than fixed…, 😁👍
  22. Agree, Elam isn’t going anywhere, especially as a 1st round pick entering his second season coming of a 3 pick rookie season, imo, unless we got an offer we couldn’t refuse…, outside of that he is a lock for the next couple seasons.
  23. Socialist actually…, 😂
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