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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Could just be me but I don’t care who it is, as long as they actually play the guy all season long, a first rounder who isn’t starting is a wasted pick.
  2. Don’t feel bad fellow fans, it was never gonna happen in the first place,
  3. This is getting more and more awesome with every post…, 😂
  4. The Inability to adapt the defensive scheme to accommodate both injury or a team that knows how to beat our defensive scheme will continue to be a problem, primarily in the post season. Josh Allen needs to use the short pass more effectively, and actually hand of the ball to the RBs instead of running it himself so frequently. Beane and McDermott need to invest in high quality O-lineman every offseason, (like that’s ever going to happen) 😂 Dorsey needs to utilize his available personnel better and sequence his play calling, so that each play that is run helps the next play called. Oh, and special teams is the red headed step child of all NFL teams, 😂 GO BILLS!!!
  5. I always thought that if a free weighs the same as a duck, and floats, then a comp pick is awarded to the patriots…, or was that the fee agent was burned, I always forget,
  6. Isn’t that where careers go to die? asking for a friend,
  7. Says who, you aren’t the boss of us…, 😁
  8. Imo, yes it did, LF knew he was non longer fully calling the shots, so he “retired/went on hiatus” (to Florida where all retired people wait to be called up…,)
  9. All hail the compensatory picks, “ it is a thing to do “
  10. Yes it does, what HC wants to sign a guy who throws his former HC under the bus,
  11. This right here, ^^^ the “ Senior Defensive Assistant” they hired, Seems like Sean may be calling the D side this up coming season…,
  12. TJ does have a vested interest in not getting himself fired for calling out his coaches, so what else would anyone expect him to say? It’s a toting the company line stuff,
  13. Again, an objective critique is different from a decade plus of constant whining, he is like the Peanuts character “pig pen” there is a dark cloud of dismal surrounding him everywhere he goes.
  14. You are wrong as usual, it’s wasn’t the players, it was the coaches not putting the players in position to be successful, that is pretty damn obvious from the get go in both Bengals games.
  15. Have you ever, even once read a positive remark by him, that isn’t couched with a back handed comment? Hell, I comment about the coaching and player short comings, regularly, but I am not a non stop whiny so and so for a decade plus, there is a difference between critiques, and endless doom and gloom.
  16. You are a breath of fresh air every time you post, Even back in the BBMB days you hated everything all the time, why do you even call yourself a Bills fan? It’s been at least a decade of nonstop b itching from you, it’s time for a new hobby or team to pretend you’re a fan of. nuthin but luv, GO BILLS!!!
  17. Because it is a totally subjective assessment that differs from team to team, even when the same position being considered by those teams. The draft is and always will be scheme “need driven”.
  18. A combination of a really weak AFCE, offensive and defensive schemes that actually worked, the QB to implement it, and two decades of constant cheating that was so prevalent that they got caught doing so every four and a half years on average, the sad part is that so many fans worship a team that constantly cheated during that period, and the league celebrated them even though they knew they were cheating, did essentially nothing to stop it.
  19. Valid thoughts, i tend to agree for the most part, i would like to see a Wagner level LB signed in FA, that would be ideal i would think
  20. Rarely works that way, if ever, BPA is a perception/opinion , that’s why need is selected 99.999% of the time. When was the last time every evaluation on all teams agreed on who the best player over all was?
  21. Sure it does, (ankle) if he can’t move towards the ball effectively it will have that sort of effect, that and you can’t run because you are likely kinda old and fat, 😂
  22. The question is, will Beane draft more O-line within the first three picks, as it stands presently we still need to fill Edmunds spot, in FA or the draft, so it’s likely that one of those first three picks goes to the defense if no FA is signed to fill that role, plus, we could stand another WR2 level selection, I am not so confident Beane will use two of those pick on O-linemen, which means one in the top three picks, and PS level lower picks for the line, so far we have seen incremental improvement with FA signings, which is good, it is needed, but, the O line needs more attention if we want to see improved post season success. GO BILLS!!!
  23. The latest WR/STs FA we signed appears to be a better overall option than Hodgins, and I was not happy that they barely played him, and then let him go, but ya know, that’s how the cookie crumbles sometimes,
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