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Everything posted by 123719bwiqrb

  1. You mean before the COVAD madness?
  2. Trust me, I am slapping myself daily. Oh wait, not that kind of... nevermind.
  3. Goalposts will move in October then. "You know that just because some people have the vaccine, we can't just go back to the old way of doing things right away."
  4. When can we resume normal activities King Don O? July 2021?
  5. There will be no games in 2020 with fans, so who cares what the imaginary policy would have been.
  6. Just another feather in the cap of no football come the fall. I admire everyone's continued optimism, but this dream is ded like Zed.
  7. Which could be never, as the vaccine may never work out and the antibody angle has already been deemed invalid..
  8. I honestly wonder how pro sports are able to still exist. All the owners are rich old white men, and they act like slave owners rarely reworking the paltry payment terms of their "players". Plus sports are not inclusive, only the most talented can play, which is not equal opportunity. It's really is time to cancel all sports.
  9. "can't get a haircut". You do know there are people that earn all their money cutting people's hair, right? You are the F U C K I N G idiot, good sir.
  10. So you're saying you don't pray to a sky daddy?
  11. Did they take that video down? I would like to watch it Facebook.
  13. Why are deaths still down? Inquiring minds would like to know. Better treatments? Vitamin D levels are up at this time of the year? Virus is mutating to a weaker version of itself? Red states are just better than blue states? Fake numbers and the stacks of dead bodies get fed to the gators down yonder?
  14. The gym owners are still patiently waiting. But there may be a huge liquidation of gym assets in another month or so when they all go bankrupt. NYS will not even discuss gyms, no guidance, no mention of what phase they are in.
  15. We need to re-title this thread "Marxist Insurrection".
  16. I think Rand Paul would be a good direction for the Republican party. Lean a little more Libertarian (eek, how dare I suggest more personal responsibility).
  17. Until it doesn't. Zero NBA, MLB, NHL, and NFL games will be played this year.
  18. For real NBC opinion article, channeling their inner Babylon Bee: https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/father-s-day-let-me-tell-truth-covid-19-lockdown-ncna1231570 Maybe don’t be a drunk sh*thead, Dad.
  19. I am open to suggestions on how society could regain a set.
  20. Just a daily reminder that we will not have an NFL season. This discussion is a good example of why.
  21. What does politics have to do with no NFL? We're f'd for football in 2020, but as long as one side can blame the other and get their rocks off it's a great day, right? Holy crap, if we had to fight WWII right now, we'd be doomed. We cant agree on anything as a society.
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