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Everything posted by 123719bwiqrb

  1. of course, in upside down 2020 world.
  2. So what did that guy do wrong? Wrong place, wrong time? Anyone here ever tried to back up an 18 wheeler? Not exactly easy...
  3. Thanks for your informative UK update, buddy. The UK is doomed? Because of their Brexit problems?
  4. Robot person lives in MANCHESTER, so it makes sense he is worried about the UK. But by all means, continue on with the doomed narrative.
  5. I thought U fart faces said the PoPo should be abolished?
  6. Bill Slime, losing since Nov. 2016. Remember - two scoops, two terms.
  7. This proves you are the worst human in existence.
  8. Cuomo would have made sure they stayed working... CUOMO_2024 - I like hookers.
  9. Imagine the smells in the glorious republic of CHAZOP. Probably make NYC in the summer tame.
  10. I leave mine in the car, and by my non-medical expert advice, being buttoned up the the car for hours during the summer will kill everything. COVUD-19-20-21 too.
  11. I think it is a few small factors. Would be nice if the media would fill us in. 1) We have a good consensus on treatment plans. C) Better/faster testing gets people & docs ahead of the game. They aren’t waiting at home until they turn blue. Z) The virus seems to be “weaker” wrt deaths. Maybe vitamin D levels are naturally higher this time of year, so that is helping? 7) Older at risk people are now finally taking the proper precautions? Maybe most are not wearing a mask properly, but the elderly got the message loud & clear? (The numbering is above is a joke, thanks to Buzz from Home Alone).
  12. No prob. My point of all this is I will be pissed if they reverse course and blame it on just reopening the economy. Obvs the mixing of angry people in the streets at the orders of the MSM had nothing to do with it.
  13. Mentioned age but no obvious connection to the street parties in early June (3 weeks ago). I ain’t no rocket scientist, but if it quacks like a frog... “Individuals under age 30 account for less than a quarter of all confirmed Covid-19 cases since the county began tracking the numbers in March, but they have accounted for a third of all new cases over the past three weeks.“
  14. <insert money printer go brrrrrr.jpg here>
  15. Basically, opening up the economy in WNY has seen a spike in younger people testing positive (<30 years old). No mention of protests in WNY contributing to this phenomenon. Answer posed - we may need to curtail our economy again to reduce the spread, if it continues to spiral. Frustrating if you’re a small business owner...
  16. The Barffalo News wrote this article as if the protests never happened. Lying sacks of poop. https://buffalonews.com/news/local/as-new-york-reopens-wny-sees-covid-19-spike-in-under-30-population/article_775fc485-0223-5738-aa9c-03bcf84049f1.html?mode=comments
  17. I hear Jamestown is beautiful for three days in June. I better hurry.
  18. Did yous guys solve slavery while I was working?
  19. Points for - About Buffalo, my lovely city. Points against - Made in Toronto. Verdict - Maybe I'll watch it if we continue to have no sports into Sept.
  20. Can we hurry this along? Only about 300M to go!
  22. It's almost like a coordinated effort to tank America. Shame everyone to stay inside, forever.
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