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Everything posted by 123719bwiqrb

  1. Kids should be back in schools in the fall, but the bitchass wimpy people with weak immune systems will make sure to F it up for everyone with lawsuits. Can’t wait to watch this trainwreck.
  2. You need to capitalize his name in the thread title. Please correct this at your earliest possible convenience.
  3. Mr. Frenkle, this just in - we will all be wearing masks in our graves. This mask wearing and virus fearing will never go away.
  4. That's probably your next President. In 2024.
  5. I love it when someone talks over me. It makes me feel like I'm in my safe space, letting the words just wash over me like an Old Spice (TM) body wash.
  6. Cuomo - Started masks April 15th, kept killing seniors until early May.
  7. What a huge collection of whimps. I fear for our country when this is how our "front line workers" B word and moan when they are asked to do their job. I understand it is a new virus, but how the heck did we get to the moon, get thru WWII, abolish slavery, etc? With some bravery and humility. Time to sack up, America.
  8. Trust me, this mask thing is the bomb. The toothless hicks weren't using them, and look at all the cases now because they are rebels.
  9. Brace for shoshin's "we'll see where we're at in two weeks" and jrober's end of the world proclamations tomorrow when the Tuesday death numbers get released.
  10. Masks are here to stay. Who is going to be the dude or dudette to rescind their mask order? NO ONE, EVER. Once COVARD1919 is over, then the FLU and the common cold will require it. Just look at how many lives we saved!!!1!!!!!!1111!!! We have to be a smarter society, SMART TOUGH LOVIE NY
  11. TDS is real. Poor guy is getting caught up in the wash.
  12. But they kind of located no where near Tuskegee. Are they relocating?
  13. I forget names all the time. Who was at the party? You know that guy and his wife. And that other couple, what's their faces? Sammy, Swimmy, Samsonite!!
  14. Big if true. Seriously, looks like George Carlin's "swimming in sewage as a kid" approach to life has some merit. Who would have knew (probably not WHO)?
  15. Yes, but you need to hide in Fredo's basement for 14 days first. Then and only then can you enjoy the milk & honey that is NYS.
  16. I believe if we can protest (which looked to get a little hectic sometimes) and the hospitals have not gotten overloaded, then we can go to football games.
  17. Is twitter ok with just Skins? And we use the potato logo thing? I'm cool with that. I mean, who doesn't love the mighty potato. French fries, chips, mashed, those little red ones - I'm hungry now.
  18. Easy there, Mongo. Irrelevant to you, but I am just pointing out the illogical thinking. Contact tracers have been polluted by politics as well - acknowledge that fact, and we can have a coherent conversation.
  19. When screened, contact tracers were not allowed to ask if the exposed individual attended a protest/riot in June. Implement the same rules for an NFL game and your fear goes away.
  20. Wow, I had never heard of slavery before your informative cut & paste. Thanks be to you, oh wise one.
  21. I for one are rooting for Tex-ass & Flo-Rida to keep kicking ass on the low-deaths trend. As they go, all things go now. Sports & a little more normalcy (whatever the heck that is anymore) will happen if we don't see a big spike in deaths.
  22. SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! We only talk about cases now.
  23. Ever hear of the term “moving the goalposts”? Because that’s what the D’s will do to you when the vaccine hits the streets. Masks to infinity, and beyond!
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