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Everything posted by 123719bwiqrb

  1. I think the confounding part is a large percentage of the population get the virus but are asymptomatic. This asymptomatic population is the reason for the new theory that the herd immunity threshold is much lower. What that % number is seems to depend on your political leanings more than science. The 60-70% is the old theory, 20% is the new theory being floated about, and practically speaking it is probably somewhere between those 2 numbers.
  2. I agree, you guys are posting good stuff. I give people gruff about inconsistencies in their thinking, but things change fast and it''s hard to know who you can trust. Ultimately, we will achieve those evil words (herd immunity). I'd guess it will still circulate thru the population from time to time, but NYC hasn't seen an uptick, and I'd like to believe it is because they hit a level where the transmission goes way way down. Maybe the "immunity" will only last 6 months? Waiting games suck, but we better get this understood by the end of 2020. What else does Fauci and his ilk have on their collective plates?
  3. Stories about kids and polio are scary in comparison to this current virus. And they had to live with it for 10-15 years? Maybe longer.
  4. It will be great to see what Cam can do in Sept. 2021.
  5. Fair enough. They seem to be working in NYS right now. I just don't ever see them going away, too many airborne threats identified in the world now. Kind of like wearing your seat belt.
  6. Simple question - When do we stop wearing them? If everyone wears them to infinity, we could save maybe half the 30-60k a year that die from the standard flu, right?
  7. It's over for in school education this year. It only takes a couple of parents/teachers to muck up the works, and there are a bunch of ninnies from the internal NY school survey I was able to see.
  8. Bend the knee and wash the feet.
  9. Flyover state, MSM doesn't give two poops about Oklahoma. Until they can't get bacon.
  10. @shoshin will tell you this is unfounded Trumpian wishful thinking.
  11. MSM squelched the herd immunity idea. Same as Auschwitz now.
  12. They really need to start racking up the dead people down south to keep this going. We need 25k fresh ones by the end of July. Anything less is a failure at this point. On a serious note - we made it to 999 pages!
  13. Death cult is going to have a field day tomorrow. And kiss sports goodbye now.
  14. Honest question. If Biden wins and trumpster is put out to pasture, who will your next boogeyman be? You will have a huge void in your life once trump is disposed of.
  15. Time for Bills Slime to log in with a different username. I always liked Q(ueef)-Baby’s takes.
  16. Ha. The first of many instances was when the WHO stated at the end of Jan there was no evidence of person to person transmission. Was that accurate?
  17. Experts have been batting about 0.075 this pandemic season, so I wouldn't trust what their saying...
  18. I likes the ghostbusters guy better.
  19. Sure, recovered, great. But the fear pornsters now say that they all have brain damage: https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSKBN24837S
  20. 1) Clicks. 2) Inflicting pain on others.
  21. Nope it's definitely the big happening now. These death cultists want NYC to look like a little blip. All because of the boogeyman in the WH. Honest question - what windmills will you tilt at after he is gone?
  22. This just in - the environment was cancelled. I just read it on Twitter. Too difficult to wrangle.
  23. I’m just a fellow Bills fan that made a hasty choice on my username. And you’re naive if you think we won’t be wearing masks until the end of time. These health experts will be running your life until we all die. ”Personal Immunity doesn’t count” ”considering Herd Immunty is the same as Auschwitz” ”Vaccine is at least 1 year away” ”Vaccine may only work for weeks or months” And this is just about the new one. Just wait until they really tackle Malaria.
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