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Everything posted by 123719bwiqrb

  1. We've got time to study this, but we still do not know how to tally up dead people. I love epidemiologists, they are the best kind of -ologists.
  2. It is time to cancel the Redskids and the NFL, isn't it. What does Twitter say about this? I can't think for myself anymore.
  3. That's all I can think of as well when I read this story...
  4. Hey lazybones - you got your way! No in class teaching required! Hope you enjoy the extra surfing. It's gonna be radical.
  5. The official answer is that data takes months to compile. They (the CDC, I would guess) will probably be able to get you the data you need on Nov. 4th.
  6. @transplantbillsfan can do moar surfing now. Win for teacher Spicolli! Yeah buddy!
  7. I honestly think it was "kids" pulling a sweet prank. They figured out how to be a third party seller (anonymously), and that was the next logical step for a joke.
  8. Right now WNY is in that 1% range. It will start increasing as everyone moves back in for college.
  9. Can’t wait for all the smarmy NYers who have been shaming the red states to explain the inevitable resurgence. “It’s the rural white NYers who may or may not have voted R in their lifetime. We need to penalize them, take away even more rights. We’ll show those inbreds.”
  10. I do miss Carlin's brand of standup. As I get older, I agree with most of his takes.
  11. Again, George Carlin is proven smarter than St. Fauci.
  12. Stop protesting fake injustices, get a job, wear your silly little mask, and get off my lawn..
  13. It will be impossible soon enough, we’ll be over his metrics threshold for shutting back down in a month anyway. Definitely when colleges start back up in August
  14. Engineer working at a Dept. of Energy location. Basically one of the facilities/sites that made the good stuff (Pu) for cold war era ICBMs. As part of the support role, we had to enter areas from time to time that were contaminated.
  15. I wore the same amount of PPE to play in plutonium years ago. Ebola is badass.
  16. Honestly though, 3500 cases are a drop in this current “cases” bucket. Unless this is more widespread?
  17. I feel like this is the type of thing that Snopes will tell us is false tomorrow.
  18. Just another feather in the self made Trump COVID cap. TDS knows no bounds.
  19. I agree. Good summary for the why.
  20. What does this mean? Falsification of test records, or defective testing methodology?
  21. I've tried to add comments to that thread, and the Hapless one has deleted my postings, asks for more info, and maybe, just maybe if it fits her opinion you can post again.
  22. No, and for your outburst you will be reprimanded to a re-education camp (think Clockwork Orange) where you will be forced to watch ESPN for 1 week straight. After that you will report back here and tell us what is really important.
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