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Everything posted by 123719bwiqrb

  1. Yeahbutt they get gyms, movie theaters and hockey rinks this week. So for someone like me who hasn’t skated since Rudy Gobert, I’d rather be a hoser canuck right now.
  2. Imagine dying in 2020 and not getting counted as a covid death! Is that even possible?
  3. I wear mine because it is the guidance, and it is respectful to others who are older, feebler, etc. Personally, when I keep hearing about never getting a vaccine, lockdowns forever - I just want to ditch my mask, go lick a door knob and check out. I want off this ride a lot lately. The problem I see is the request to wear the mask will never go away, as there are lots of respiratory illnesses where a mask would mitigate the potential of joe schmo catching the thing that finally kills him. Be it a common cold, normal flu, whatever. Sure covid is new, and it is bad, but the new normal will be all masks, all the time once the dust settles here, mainly because the relative risk of covid vs many other diseases out there are the same.
  4. He’s got good comedic timing. May have a future in standup. And I’m not sure there is anyone on this board that is anti-mask, is there?
  5. Some of the hidden growing pains of the popular vaccine trials. The mouth breathing MSM better start painting the correct picture of these vaccines, or better yet just shut up until they are ready for widespread use. Instead, they are just a mouthpiece for the corporations right now. I think @Reality Check calls this pump & dump? https://www.wired.com/story/covid-19-vaccines-with-minor-side-effects-could-still-be-pretty-bad/amp
  6. We’re going to hit 300k coronadead before the end of 2020 - obviously including all the motorcycle accidents, murders, etc. Too bad we couldn’t pull together like we did in WWII. We would have halved that number with a better “war” like response. Instead it’s all about Trump, always.
  7. Nah man. I'm just happy you get to surf more now that you won't have any in person teaching to do! Hang ten broseph!
  8. Got him! That was good heads up form tacking. Maybe this could be the filler sport we need until the NFL can get back on it's feet.
  9. I will predict that they will not answer your question directly. Too much liability if they gave you an answer one way or another.
  10. That's all he is. But the media keeps holding him up like he is the be all end all for policy decisions.
  11. You're incoherent. Go away.
  12. Fauci - "You bring up a good point. We now need to study this virus for a minimum of 3-5 years. Please continue to keep everything locked down, as this virus needs further evaluation. Remember, we're all in this together"
  13. Well, they aren't using Florida Panther's Arena, so stack all the dead there. Keep 'em at a cool 32F.
  14. I, for one, welcome our Gary overlords.
  15. Sorry, slide away good sir.
  16. We should be talking about the judge that got attacked because she was appointed to the Deutsche Bank trial, but instead we get this slide thread. My takeaway to this story - you mess with the bull, sometimes the bull shoots you in the face with a non-lethal round. Que sera sera, commrade.
  17. I resolved to wear the same N95 mask until this is over. It is so scrungy after 3 months of use I am starting to doubt my plan. I do wash under the sink by hand once a week and let it cook on the dash of my truck.
  18. I live in NY, so a vote for Trumpo will be ignored anyways. Light my vote on fire right now. I am fully on board what you are saying - if the US somehow gets Ridin with Biden, this virus will magically fade away in a matter of months once the swamp creatures slither back into the White House and the career federal goofballs can relax. It really is always about power and greed.
  19. Good luck with that. China has Thermonuclear warheads pointed at us, along with 10 other viruses locked and loaded. They are playing the ultra long game, and will not hesitate to genocide a few million (or kill a few million of their own citizens) to achieve their end goal of world dominance. The play here is to get as close as possible to your enemy. You just have to keep your own principles and wear them down over time. It almost worked with Hong Kong.
  20. How is this still up on youtube? You would have thought the CCP thru Alphabet would have already laid the smack down? Is this a preview of what China will do to Americans when they take over?
  21. Be honest, you're a liar. You would never call him a "national hero".
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