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Everything posted by 123719bwiqrb

  1. We could probably get him on the cheap next year. He may not even have a job. Our screen game blows chunks. Why is that?
  2. If ifs and buts were candy and sluts...
  3. While many of McD's coaching decisions are heavy handed (I think of the fake 4th & less than 5 plays where they line up but then call time out) I see the merit in "testing" the other team's coaching decisions. Some coaches get "fatigued" when you're constantly making them choose the best play, timeout call, or challenge. I firmly believe that Freddie Kitchens would have imploded if we would have forced their hand on the field more, but they got the best of us in that game. Just like a play call from scrimmage, McD has a set of coaching rules that he follows. Sometimes it doesn't mesh with the average fan's view at home, but it is his obligation to the team to be consistent and dare I say it, boring.
  4. NO! I want to holler the loud, funny words!
  5. That 4th and 1 conversion sums up everything about JA. I love it, real football.
  6. The Bills are a really good team, they are currently beating the Cowboys 53 man roster and the 8 (10?) referees on the field too.
  7. It is important to point this out all the time to Greenies. Free is what all the Greenies think. But unfortunately for them, Carnot's Cycle never loses. Ask the dummies in charge of maintaining the defunct windmills in Lackawanna how much it costs to keep them spinning. They thought they would run for free forever, and lookie what happened. They all stopped spinning. Huh, who would have thought. Now they need more taxpayer money to "rehab" them. Buttholes.
  8. Fair enough. I put those little magic hand warmer bags into my boots to keep the feet warm, and as long as I'm layered up I'm good to go. I'd vote for a big roof over the stands, but leave the opening over the field (like Miami).
  9. Huh, I like it. Looks good to me. Maybe they are testing the look, I doubt the NFL would let them change mid season.
  10. Why, it wasn't cold. If you're dressed right, it's a dream come true. I've been to 2 memorable Bills snow games. Phins w/ Ricky Williams rushing for 200yds yet losing and this one.
  11. Just remember, Adam Gase is manning that ship. He is the gift that keeps on giving.
  12. The dude just doesn't quite have it, despite the pedigree.
  13. We want PIT to beat CLE, and then we beat PIT head to head. The rest will take care of itself.
  14. Wrong time for Baltimore to be peaking. Good for them, but we'll see in 12 days - a lot can change between now and then.
  15. If it was, the thread would have dropped off the first page instantly. Seriously, we'll see lots of McKenzie with the 3 WR sets. I really think Duke's shoulder injury is lingering.
  16. Maybe, but they can go 10-6 and make the playoffs. Shoot, beat the Steelers and lose to the Jests and maybe still get in at 9-7.
  17. Concern level 6.9 right now (Gronk says hi). Steal one against Dallas or Baltimore and it'll be smooth sailing on the Seas of Concern.
  18. I bet you that without McD's neuroticism about his team's portrayal, the fire-him-now crowd would be a lot louder.
  19. Ahhhh. It all makes sense now, reading that and looking at your location.
  20. As much as we would like to resign/extend him now, he would be a fool not to hit the open market. Let him see what's out there, and then talk if it's reasonable.
  21. Can I have the government in my life more? I miss them.
  22. He claps a lot. I'd trade him for a dude that just does low-key fist bumps.
  23. Joshy will throw for >400 yards and have one fight with a fat lineman. Helmet swinging optional, but recommended.
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