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Everything posted by 123719bwiqrb

  1. And there it is. Privacy people vs sensible people. I would argue that the sensible people are the ones that want privacy, but that is crazy talk online. This just in too - you can carry the virus, yet have the antibodies too. What you say! So take both tests, what daily? And if you fail one of them, what do we do? Are we on the honor system? No that won't work. It would have to have teeth behind it to actually work. So we land on the personal freedoms question, and for that ideal many have died over the 240+ years that this little USA experiment has been happening.
  2. You're mixing up the tests. The antibody testing will not identify outbreaks - it will show if you will fight off the virus again or not. The virus test in use right now will show if you are carrying the virus. Again, in my fantasy dystopian vision that will obviously never ever happen, like ever, how would we enforce this?
  3. Not being ig-nant, but I want to know what happens to subject A who "passes" this test and has lot of magical antibodies, vs subject B who fails this test and does not has sufficient antibodies to go outside of their house. What happens if subject B want to go sit on a park bench, or heaven forbid wants to get a job and make money to support their beanie baby collection? I believe the powers that be will say they should be shunned for 18 months until there is an approved vaccination, correct? And in the meantime, we will track their whereabouts, you know just to be safe.
  4. Ok. So then you explain to me how this magical antibody test would work, good sir.
  5. And then we can mark them so we all know they are acceptable humans. And the rest can be stored somewhere.
  6. How old is he? Is he immuno-compromised in any way?
  7. I am channeling my inner Carnac here - but I believe it is 100% going to be a brokered DNC convention, and ol' Big Fredo is going to be the man with the plan.
  8. Very encouraging they are pushing for a vaccine now - but it will still take >9 months to hit the street if everything goes correctly.
  9. Yes, please restart the economy soon, otherwise these unstable people may not make it.
  10. Time to call in Ms. Pinkerton.
  11. This will be great - we'll have two classes of people. Maybe we can subjugate one of them! If you don't have your proper papers, you get gulag'd. Think of all the fun we can have with this idea.
  12. The answer is always more government. Save me mommy.
  13. Comedic timing is everything, and you sir have the knack. Fun fact - Tarantino wanted to use that song during the gimp scene in Pulp Fiction. Too bad, that would have been extra awkward!
  14. Ditto, didn’t go to the doctor but had the same symptoms. Took a week to feel normal again. I’d like to think I had it, but who knows.
  15. These greenies must be cornfused at this point, as Mother Earth is trying it’s darnest to kill them indiscriminately. They are on time out right now by the MSM, go sit in the corner.
  16. Unfortunately, the typical #RESIST bs will win out. It can be done in a phased approach, but there is no way a test an be put together in 3 weeks to clear people. It will have to be using good old fashioned common sense.
  17. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Useful_idiot
  18. Thanks for that. I was thinking about WWII and how this is our biggest national challenge since then - but it is a cakewalk in comparison. We can do this. Maybe the youngins will toughen up a little from this in the end.
  19. Wow, I didn't know the mere mention of BNLs would trigger so many delicate egos. I for one will have a little fun with my friends come July. Similar to the SLIPKNOT concert last summer.
  20. Yes, but it may take a little longer as we will not take the same approach as China (think military lockdowns). I have Barenaked Ladies tickets for July 7th at Artpark, and I fully expect to be there with my friends. I love you Coronabug, but don't go away mad, just go away.
  21. I like it. Best news I've heard all day.
  22. For filers with a return - those will probably be delayed the same amount of time. Just a guess, but that's what I'd expect.
  23. I thought only commies fell out of helicopters? I’m heading out to the back forty with my reusable grocery bags just in case it starts raining spondulix.
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