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Everything posted by 123719bwiqrb

  1. Exactly, get voter ID going and remote voting becomes a slam dunk.
  2. I been prattling on about this for over a week - I'm glad someone else agrees with me that is F U C K I N G insane.
  3. I don't see the option for - had it at the end of January, but undiagnosed as it was too early in the process.
  4. Oh, I thought she said CARDS Against Humanity. My bad.
  5. Are you a B O T ? Your answers are so weird.
  6. Just a reminder that this will never see the light of day for the average Joe. These antibody tests will be kept out of the public's eye, as the political fallout would be catastrophic. Imagine knowing that you had it before you lost your job and way of life forever. https://news.yahoo.com/cdc-started-administering-antibody-tests-142847707.html
  7. T minus 1 day until MSM refutes and proves this 100% false. They can't have this speculation see the light of day.
  8. How about we work on healthcare (or should I say holistic medicine) in the 2020s, and we get back to this pet green project in the 2030s?
  9. The ol' orange man bad schitck. We should just give up and join the CCP, we could call ourselves China West. We don't deserve freedom anymore as a country.
  10. Imma gonna vote for the China first candidate. Anything less is unamerican.
  11. I saw some bird feed, will that do? They were counting innies and outties at the door so they did not overload the store. THe contractor entrance was all locked up. But I bought some essential paint & supplies. I swear doing stupid little projects around the house is keeping me sane!
  12. I'm heading to Home Depot shortly to get some ceiling paint.
  13. Why not. Just fire up the money printer, as my son says. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
  14. This is all good information, and hopefully paints a better picture to the "focus on the bodies" only crowd. The collective suffering will grow exponentially if we just sit around as a country. As karma is a wheel, I fully expect the President of Belarus to get hit with the virus shortly - but I liked his statement: ""It's better to die standing on your feet than to live on your knees," Hopefully he just pulls thru and lives to say I told you so. Like a war, there will be tough decisions ahead, and nobody will be guaranteed 100% safety. But we have to get going soon. Every day? Because you could test the good Dr Birx today, but she could get it tomorrow and bring it back for tomorrows presser. Not sure this is a tenable solution.
  15. I hear you man. Hopefully you and your company can weather the storm and pull thru. I'm a pleeb in a Fortune 500 company, so if this crap lasts much longer, the mandatory firings begin in May.
  16. I hope you can make it thru. What type of war chest do you have? Weeks or months?
  17. 1) They are reusable, until you suck some crap thru them then you've "loaded" the media and the chances of pulling the contaminate thru and into your lungs goes up. 2) They used to be available, now you have to make your own. NFW you're going to be able to procure them for the foreseeable future. 3) Yes, so that is why they do not want to make it mandatory.
  18. Well they can all become police officers, as there will be no shortage of "work".
  19. Well they own most of our debt and all our supply chains, so yeah, we are the new China. They just need to level the wealth now. We'll get there by this summer.
  20. Come May it'll be time to rip the band aid off. Or business armageddon will happen, 100%. Carnage like you've never seen. Forget about life as you knew it, you'll be too busy defending your own turf from the marauders.
  21. NO SHOSHIN says you are going to stay shutdown until you are utterly and completely broke, and the only thing that will fix ya is socialism. Now hippity hoppity.
  22. This is great. Then reality sets in: The study’s authors are now applying for an investigational new drug approval from the US Food and Drug Administration. They hope to start human clinical trials within the next few months.
  23. I like your optimism. Here's hoping!
  24. That is great. When will we have access to this? My bet - probably early 2021.
  25. I would have never thought Germany would ever institute such a solution.
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