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Everything posted by 123719bwiqrb

  1. I know, I know. I just can't fathom the "why" behind that line of thinking?
  2. Not a Trumptard here, just someone who can form a coherent thought. What other amendments would you like to get rid of today? Probably get a 2 for 1 deal if you act now!
  3. So when faced with a challenge, step 1 is to invalidate article 1 of the constitution.
  4. People die every day because they are selfish and stupid. If it's not their right, then we might as well hang it up and call ourselves China West. Implement all the rules of whatever the hip version of communism is today and have fun. Step 1 - no more internet talkie.
  5. It is the correct ruling. It may not be the smartest thing to pop on down to church on Sunday with grandma in tow, but it is their choice and right. This topic is going to fire up the low information crowd, I can see it now.
  6. That's good. Just don't tell Karen on Facebook; she is piping mad that anyone can do anything. I do need some new fabric for the swing lean-to in the backyard, but PA is a little too far to drive for that.
  7. i would donate right now in exchange for an antibody test. Let’s make this happen.
  8. Or maybe $25 today is worth $15 last month, so it is a net zero and Wall Street will shrug.
  9. I want to live in this world where you don't have to show up to work if you don't want to. It sounds like an Andrew Yang utopia.
  10. People are too worried about the immediate threat.
  11. HA! The unions would argue those dues are needed for times like these.
  12. I do enjoy the contributions of the death cheerleaders. They are an odd bunch of posters.
  13. You probably don't want to know who owns TickTock.
  14. They just transferred the deaths from the COVID-19 vulnerable to the 25-30% unemployed. At least the CDC isn't responsible - silo mentality in action. Hence the reason hobos took illegal, free trips on train cars? Man, you learn something new everyday.
  15. This is Inception level humor.
  16. I'm ok with that app idea - but what would the voluntary compliance be, 25%? I don't think you could get 50% of people in the US using it. I guess 25% is better than nothing.
  17. Don't worry, the data will fit the narrative. Greta is on it right now, leading her team of esteemed epidemiologists (lemmings) to the promised land.
  18. The morbid, Stephen King side of me just whispered, "They're all dead, rotting in their homes right now. Imagine the smell."
  19. I still have not seen or heard of a coherent plan from anyone, other than broad speculation. The type of speculation your hear from science fiction dreamers. Here are my thoughts: - The antibody testing will never ramp up fast enough (200M tests ready by May 1st?), so it will have to be a spot check at best. Maybe 10% of the population; 30M tests may be doable. That will get a feel for how long the virus has been in the wild. Imagine the egg-on-faces if it's been here for waves since Dec 2019 (very possible). So that is why my hunch is this test will never even grow legs and be a viable option. - That would also put the bracelet/mark of the beast question to bed. Not viable to test every human, and people would never agree to it anyways, so why entertain it. - The actual, active virus test will need to have better coverage, and the tracing will need to be Stasi like. This is the test that will need to be in the ~200M range by May 1st, and it will need fast replenishment. Does anyone know how many tests and manufacturer's capacity is out there? And let's assume they are widely available, and anyone who needs it gets it. Who is going to do all the positive tester contact follow up? The US is not built for that (too big). - This is why we will land on the regional reopening option, and will have to go back to the old way of trusting our neighbors. Keep the immuno-compromised & grandma sheltered (somewhat), but let the "brave" rest of us who need to go on with our lives, go about it. If you get it, you get it. Sorry, like cancer, you don't get any guarantees in life. If we don't do this by May 1st, get ready for a repeat of the middle ages. My fortune 500 (maybe 200 now?) said it will layoff everyone in the US if we aren't reopened by mid May. I'm sure most big companies are considering that too, and it would be the death of the USA if that happened. Mid May is the point of no return.
  20. Tell me more about this bracelet, this sounds big brained.
  21. You mean the people who followed the social distancing to a tee and never got exposed? So they should be the flunkees of the magical antibody test? Sounds fair to me.
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