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Everything posted by 123719bwiqrb

  1. You'll do a fine job raising your wife's boyfriend's kid.
  2. I am going to follow this. IF @shoshin is right, then the covad hospitalizations will get back populated early next week, right? THen only he can post covatard data updates for 1 week, and Horowitz is banned for ever. If @shoshin is wrong, he needs to apologise to @Big Blitz, and the blitz guy will have responsibility for new updates for one week. Setting a reminder for Tuesday.
  3. We can vote via mail once we get voter ID cards.
  4. No, they want those unborn and dead.
  5. What the F U C K would this exercise prove?
  6. Oh wise costal elite, please show us how to atone for our racist sins. Is there a 3 point plan, an infomercial, or something on pronhub that would guide us? All I see is name calling here. Without you in my life I’d slowly wilt and die But with you in my life You’re the reason I’m alive
  7. You're a racist. Look at your red hat.
  8. 117!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I get the feeling Gregory is racist.
  10. This thread is now back to it's unreadable state with all the paid DNC farting going on. Much better over the weekend. Bye Felicias.
  11. If we only had a nation of Karens ready to pounce...
  12. These are tests of active cases! Not people that had it for 2 weeks and self resolved. This data reveals very little. I agree we are in a serious conundrum. Lack of both tests are what is going to ultimately kill the american dream. It's over without mass testing in a few weeks.
  13. I think what we (or at least what I am thinking) is without good data, we are just guessing. I'd love to get 300M tests out there, but I on't see that happening for 12 months
  14. Are those tests representative of the US population?
  15. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that you don't work for the CDC either. Not sure what that means on a football BS talkie board? But you did say the most important part - it "is the most contagious disease of all time". By that theory, it should have ripped around the world in no time. Like I said, it is a working theory. Just like the current media narrative information out there. Has the media, CDC, President, or Joe Biden's wife said how many people have it, definitively?
  16. We really need to take our time opening the economy back up. Most likely Nov 4th, that's what the models are showing.
  17. Ahh yes. I was too young during this music time period, but I can definitely relate as I was a Metallica/Anthrax/Pantera/etc. metal head growing up. I had to reject liking any "hair metal" band, even if their music sounded great. Poison, Crue, Ratt, Bon Jovi, nuh-uh.
  18. Logical Song is amazing, among many others. I think this is the right place for this. I love getting advice from people currently pulling a paycheck. Her(?) opinion is worth less than an NBA player. Maybe in July when nobody can turn a TV on, she'll be out on the street, without a job, rueing her current opinion? My personal speculation - Many people are going to look stupid when the "widespread testing" proves it has already spread to >75% of the country. And don't give me the crap answer "uhhh, the hospitals would have been overrun if that has happened". It's been in the US since December 2019, making it's way thru many small circles, and most people pull thru. It's only when it hits a big city that anyone notices.
  19. That I don't know, I think they got incorrectly caught up in the cancelling of Disco in the early 80s.
  20. I've done the math, on average 175 peope die a day in NYC. Total population is a little over 8 million.
  21. You would think, but what is our collective recourse?
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