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Everything posted by 123719bwiqrb

  1. Thank you heavenly sovereign BuffaloGal leader.
  2. I always liked Pinky and the Brain, is that still allowed?
  3. Cancel all rent, immediately. That is the only solution.
  4. Cue the articles that outline how the trump, himself, personally "fudged" the numbers. You'll see it by Friday.
  5. I may be a moron, but It sounds like you want a war with statements like this.
  6. I don't understand most crime, let alone what their skin tone is.
  7. Are you an anarchist? What is your end game here?
  8. I can't see how a guy that hasn't seen live bullets in years can perform well, but that is what the preseason is for...
  9. With this stance, how can you justify playing any sport? Doesn't your stance feel a little conservative to you?
  10. Waht about Tommy Boy? He is not U40!!!! Think of his life!
  11. It's obvious from all the opinions that the season will never happen.
  12. Guaranteed no sports will be played before Nov. 4th. The US has rabies.
  13. Power, money, and hookers w/ blow would be my guess?
  14. Exactly. We will have the same needs as today - apparently football has already been cancelled.
  15. I built a war chest, as my Engineering company is schizophrenic when it comes to earnings and Wall Street results. As expected, they called on a random Tuesday in April and let go about a 100 people. Luckily I survived. Now the snap back is happening and they can't get enough hands. The management is so fickle sometimes. I guess their excuse is "unprecedented times", but maybe have some foresight & compassion for the little sh*t workers sometimes?
  16. I'm picturing the bubbles like you see fans use at halftime (or at a Sabs game) where they run into each other. Suit the refs up and they are clean forever. Plus the players could get their frustrations out a little, too. I was all lined up to buy 2 seasons in section 314. Now I wait. If they let us into a game (let's assume the home opener), I am 100% there. Like Ivan Drago said - if he dies, he dies.
  17. Forgive my ignorance, but is this a way to level the playing field with the Chinas of the world? Become a little more manipulative like they already are?
  18. ...that tonight's gonna be a good, good night? They are just quietly sweeping trash under the COVID rug, right?
  19. That is what is virus is all about. It's not a coordinated "conspiracy". but just people taking advantage of a bad situation to get what they want. I want this NFL season to go off as normal because the Bills will be peaking, but I have to protect myself from this crap. So I have been planning for no season in 2020, and if it goes off then bonus.
  20. I have twatter, never use it. I have an instagram, use it for fitness tips/inspiration. I have facebook, only use the groups for cars and other hobbies. Learned in the early 2010s to limit my online exposure, as getting doxxed is a legit problem. No presence, no doxxing.
  21. I heard no solutions, but a quitter's mentality justifying why they quit. She did lay down a thinly veiled threat, so that was nice.
  22. You got some explainin to do, Lucy. Tell me how being a weak beta male is racist?
  23. I knew about this. Bad news man.
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