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Everything posted by 123719bwiqrb

  1. This finally got him, Drumpf is ruined now.
  2. But what shall we do when we do not have a community to be responsible to anymore? With the continued approach of shutting things down, we can reach that point soon.
  3. The vaccine will probably not work. Lot of big heads have been saying this for months. But as long as we make up a placebo and distribute it, can we then play sports again? I'd like to get back on the ice and play beer league hockey again before I die.
  4. It's time to shut down essential businesses too. Too unsafe out there to do anything but watch Netflax and die.
  5. I guess I didn't state my case well enough. Let me try again. Yes.
  6. Not a good sign of the intestinal fortitude needed to play the most contact-y of sports during a pandemic. Prepare for the worst.
  7. I sure hope so, it seems this country is hell bent on destroying everything else that might be fun this year. The NHL has not been solvent for a while now, and this stress will magnify the need for contraction.
  8. First, antibodies only last 2-3 months: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2020/06/18/coronavirus-antibodies-may-last-only-2-to-3-months-after-infection-study-suggests.html Second, I will be absolutely SHOCKED if a player dies from covid - they are all too young. Now you can die with it, and that is very possible for and NFLer - but the news will 100% muddy those waters if it happens.
  9. It’s over for at least 2020. My hope is that the NFL stays somewhat intact - the Sabres will not exist after this, but hopefully the Bills do.
  10. If we don't have a 2020 season, having a draft seems like a pointless exercise. Not having a 2020 season may change way more than just a draft order. To start, which 32 teams will still exist?
  11. And ventilators have been found to do more damage than good in many cases. There are other ways of boosting a patient's blood oxygen levels, and those have been used more often now.
  12. Quit acting like you care about a bunch of toothless hicks.
  13. What do you mean, the entire crowd are all your sworn enemies right? Why get in the way when your enemy makes a tactical error like this?
  14. What's with all these polls lately? Strip clubs are closed so you have to bring the polls everywhere you go now?
  15. I have asked this elsewhere, but here goes the $10,000 question: Overall, are all cause deaths up YTD compared to years past? Or does the data move so slow that we won't know until next year?
  16. Serious question: I support equality for all and smart changes for society. I am fiercely private though, so I will not display any outward signs of my allegiance to this cause or any other ideology. If you talk to me individually, you know where I stand. Does this make me racist in your eyes?
  17. Companies just want to maximize profits, so I would not expect any change that a corporation makes to signal that they are woke will have a significant impact on how people treat one another. Just ensures they get to still make a profit slinging sugary syrup or whatever their product is. The cancelling of reality based police shows is a little weird. I mean I get it, cops in 2020 are out, totally square man. But I am sure most fictional shows will continue to have stupid amounts of violence and gun play. And most definitely use the latest trend for bad guys (are we back to RUSSIANS and off the Middle Easterners on TV, right?). If violence & murders are bad, then let's stop glorifying that behavior on the boob tube every damn day. Same with some of the violent rap artists. If we want to improve our society, then let's start elevating the peaceful intelligent side of things (Will Smith is good role model for this, as is older Snoop Dog). Cancelling a fictional lady on a syrup bottle is great, but once you come back from their commercial on TV you continue to see humans getting their brains blown out. Makes no sense to me. Now I feel all old and get off my lawn-ish today.
  18. Brought to you by Always Coca-Cola and H&R Block.
  19. I don't know about goat's milk, but I do love me some bird and warm snow.
  20. Uncle Joe is the gift that keeps on giving.
  21. You red state f*cker! I would venture a guess SC or GA. They are the cheapest. Well done, best I could do is $1.59 at Smokin Joes.
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