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Everything posted by Westside

  1. Well, you do resemble a heel spur, but no. The lower IQ half that votes for heals up harris. Like you. Lot more job opportunities for real Americans!
  2. The deplorables that voted for heals up harris.
  3. So brat!!
  4. You sound very triggered. Why are leftists so angry all the time?
  5. I know you’re just a troll. No one can be this stupid.
  6. You’re at the wrong rally!!! You want the smaller one down the street!
  7. or in the league. Hamlin sucks big time,
  8. As opposed to doing nothing? That’s what got us into this mess. Biden/harris were too weak to stop Putin.
  9. Says the idiot who labels anyone who doesn’t agree with it a nazi racist. You can’t make this stuff up!!!’
  10. So does kumala. Have you seen her neck recently? Not to mention the wrinkles on that old hags puss. Disgusting!!!!
  11. Why did they wait three and a half years to try to fix the border? They’ve been saying it’s secure the whole time! Why wait until just before the election to try to fix it?
  12. So you’re admitting Trump isn’t a fascist? You better tell your buddy tibstain that! He’s having a meltdown right now.
  13. Such a softie. Can’t take any criticism. Thank GOD you and your kind will be soundly defeated on Nov 5th.
  14. I agree, because there was never any Russian interference in the 2016 elections. Except for when hillary paid off a Russian spy for the fake dossier.
  15. Well, she grew up in a totally white neighborhood. And she isn’t black. It's funny how you went straight to the black person stereotype, yet you claim you’re not racist. Very weird.
  16. lol, she sounded like a DEI hire who has no business interviewing for a job she has no qualifications to do.
  17. Oh boy, we’re screwed! I still believe that type of behavior will not be tolerated like in 2020. There’s definitely a change in the air lately and people are finally waking up to the nonsense from the leftists.
  18. I agree, but I think widespread rioting and violence will not be tolerated like the summer of love 2020. I believe Trump will bring in the National Guard to quell any violence.
  19. Where do I start? It would be a lot easier to list the things you got right. LOL
  20. Facts????? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  21. WTF does this even mean?
  22. She blames Trump for EVERYTHING their administration has done wrong. The dummycrats have been in power 12 of the last sixteen years but everything is Trumps fault? GTFO!!!!
  23. Wrong as usual. Do you have a single thought in your pea brain that is actually yours?
  24. Is that what you consider a witty response? lol, try harder. So much crime is being committed by illegal aliens but you don’t care!
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