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Everything posted by Westside

  1. I would even say he is sharp as a tack.
  2. Oliver disappears way too much. Ankou, a PS player outplayed both Oliver and Jones!
  3. I'm really getting tired of the nfl.
  4. The leftists are going to cheat. No doubt, that's what they do.
  5. Poor 4inchschlong was so excited! You just had to burst hid bubble.
  6. There will be gnashing of teeth and tearing of clothes in the leftist party over the killing of these terrorists. That’s just what the evil scum leftists do.
  7. The party of joy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. exhibit A of the leftists losing their minds. 🖕
  9. They know they’re going to lose big time. I’m loving this meltdown. The more names they call us the more I’m LMAO!!! 😂 😂😂😂😂😂
  10. Only 12,000 jobs?!?! 😂 That is pathetic! This garbage administration can't leave fast enough. The worst ever!!!!!
  11. The only reason the leftists came up with that Bill is because they knew it would never pass. It's horrible Bill. They knew this would be the lame brained idiots rallying cry that they tried to fix the border but mean old Trump killed it. The leftists rely on idiots like red quack to act like it was the answer to the illegal immigration problem, when in reality they never expected it to pass.
  12. You believe anything msm tells you. Sad and weird.
  13. The economy is not ok. It sucks. So many people struggling to survive.
  14. You have to remember your talking to a shell of a person who lives in a make believe world so it can feel superior to everyone who isn’t a freak.
  15. These freaks on the left are the reason we should open insane asylum’s again! Total nut jobs!
  16. That’s your perversion. Freak.
  17. I got my popcorn ready for when the leftists evil agenda loses! 😂😂😂
  18. That guy is a complete idiot!! Not an ounce of common sense or perspective.
  19. RIP John, I’m sorry to hear you passed but happy you’re not suffering anymore. 😥
  20. I think a 5th or 6th round draft pick would get it done. No way I’d trade all of that for a 33 year old Lb on the last year of his contract.
  21. I honestly think it is going to be such a blowout in Trumps favor that it would be impossible to hand the presidency over to camaltoe.
  22. No one calling Trump supporters white teash. Oh wait! That was you! Go take your fake outrage and shove it up your ass! F’n hypocrite!!!!
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