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Everything posted by Westside

  1. Why would the illegals be building anything when they have the government giving them housing, food and money? They aren't working, they ae collecting.
  2. How did we survive without the 30 million illegals doing all of work? You're F'n delusional. Get some help.
  3. Convicted????? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 The leftists are losing their f’n minds!!! I love it!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  4. I’m sure Bribem is wearing pampers
  5. You act like a little baby. Your side lost, get over it. Stop acting like a little b word!
  6. Why do white leftist women feel the need to disgrace her own race and the men of that race? White people who are like this are a disgrace. Maybe she should sell everything she has and give it to the first. Black woman she sees. Time to reopen asylums!
  7. I trust social media over msm. The msm is corrupt to the core and needs to be dismantled. Country over party or get the hell out!
  8. But redhawk/joe swore this isn't happening and it's all BS?!?! Could it be redjoe is a lying sack of excrement? I'm shocked I tell you! Shocked!!!
  9. The ONLY reason you’re fighting so hard against voter ID is because you KNOW damn well that the left are cheating! There is no other reason why your so against voter ID. Be honest for once in your pathetic life!
  10. She’s a typical leftist.
  11. Love it!!!!!!! Time to take back America!!!
  12. You’re the only one in mental decline.
  13. Nope! I’m ecstatic!!! After the red tsunami last week, everything is going great! Thanks for asking! Maybe we can put them in the cages obummer stuck migrant children in?
  14. Seek help. Your meltdown isn’t going to solve anything.
  15. Someone touched a nerve on tibs. He’s awfully cranky today!
  16. Tibs is pro drug cartel and anti America!!! Love this pick for border czar!
  17. And now they overwhelmingly voted him in. He even won the popular vote!!!! A real leader! A man’s man!!!! Not some soy boy like tibs!
  18. Putin wanted cackles to win. Kind of blows your stupid ass theory out of the water.
  19. I wonder what Willie Brown thinks of his ex slut?
  20. A real leader. Not some crooked ass politician or a cackling *****. Something this country has been lacking the past four years.
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