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Everything posted by Westside

  1. If you’re really this lost in your real life I honestly pity you. You judge people by how much they’re worth, not the context of their heart. What a sad way to live.
  2. You immediately declared Trump guilty and Fanni innocent. Does that sound like a fair balanced independent statement?
  3. He already has the authority to do that! This is first and foremost a money and power grab by the elites. But the most frustrating thing is average citizens like you and me are left holding the bill for their greed. Are you ok with that? Another question John, do you believe Ukraine deserves over ten times the amount American taxpayers deserve?
  4. Do you believe the bill has the best interest of the country at heart? Is sending over a hundred billion to Ukraine and only 12 billion for protecting our border is a good thing? I’m serious about your opinion. I’m not going to insult or demean you I’m just honestly curious. Thank you for your response. What is the Biden administration doing to protect us from this criminal element?
  5. I don’t hate either team. I respect the accomplishments they have achieved. Pretty impressive I think.
  6. I’m sorry for your limited vocabulary dr.😂😂😂😂😂😂 You would know scum when you see it. You see it everyday in the mirror.
  7. Triggered much?👆
  8. Even a broke clock is right twice a day. 😂
  9. So, under the lefts twisted version of truth, you support Ukraine is a support for neo-nazis then.
  10. And neither will bribem
  11. So glad I didn’t watch this freak show!
  12. I’m having a hard time feeling bad about the cap situation because all the money they make is more important than winning championships. If I really wanted to win I would do exactly what Brady did. Take less money so they can sign the players needed to win. How many millions do they need?
  13. Why not? I know about the cap situation bit Beane has proven he knows how to manipulate the cap. I would trade Oliver and sign Jones if it is possible. Get a few draft picks for Oliver and sign Jones to a three year contract. It can be done if they wanted to I believe.
  14. I totally disagree with this opinion. Him being as good as he is, to me, means he has an obligation to behave properly. Instead he acts like a petulant child. After football and when swift dumps him he is going to have a challenging life if he doesn’t change his attitude.
  15. Some people need to let it go.
  16. Me 😊😄👍🏻
  17. If your predictions come true 2024 could be a summer of violence. I pray to GOD that doesn’t happen. But when you let in millions of of illegal aliens into your country and give them free housing, car, money, while at the same time kicking Americans out of schools, hotels and totally ignore the homeless. You’re creating an environment that is a powder keg! And you on the left know this!!!! All the lefties on PPP are sheep in wolves clothing. Pure evil!!!!
  18. No you don’t. You belittle and insult anyone who doesn’t agree with your radical ideology. Once in your life try being honest!
  19. I keep hearing he’s a home run threat when he touches the ball. But there is no proof of that statement. He seems to trip over his own shadow on a regular basis.
  20. FIFY Never let the facts get in the way of a good persecution. You are a hypocrite of the highest order Ron, congratulations on your achievement!
  21. So had Biden when he let twelve million illegal immigrants into this country. But that’s ok.
  22. The irony! 😂😂😂
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