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Everything posted by Westside

  1. We don’t have a racism problem, we have a woke left problem.
  2. Don’t forget our crappy fans, according to the latest fan poll, we suck balls. So I say why stop there? Let’s fire the fans as well. That way we would be free to root for a better team!? It’s a win-win! 👍🏻
  3. In fact there economy is doing much better than ours!!! Don’t you know the democrats switched to republicans right before they invented the kkk then they suddenly switched back to being democrats? Makes perfect sense!!
  4. Let’s forget all the lies biden has told in his fifty plus years as a leach in politics. plagiarism, lying about his dead son, not being involved hands on in his crackhead son’s illegal dealings, Finishing top of his class when he actually was in the bottom third. Let’s not forget all the racist remarks he has spewed, the clowns on the left will bloviate, hand have, deflect and then turn around and blame others for what they themselves do. These fools are not to be taken seriously. They are either to stupid or too proud to admit they’ve been lied to. really sad when you think about it I actually pity them.
  5. You would know what that looks like since you lie and give false information all the time. You’re such a hypocrite!
  6. And the elites who don’t give a damn about the useful idiots who defend their every dishonest, perverted values while they leave them to die. Good job left wing idiots! You’ve been played. lol
  7. They can’t break it up with one hand. Too busy filming. This is the direct result of the messed up left wing indoctrination that is destroying our schools, country and communities. The chickens are coming home to roost! What a proud time to be American! Not!!!
  8. And this idiot claims to be a doctor. Would you want this nutcase to be your Dr? He’s a liar and a fraud. He’s a race baiting pink haired boy pretending to be someone he never could be. Instead he comes across as another one of billslimes fake accounts. A real Dr wouldn’t act this immature. Stay in your mom’s basement where it’s nice and safe. I can imagine what JFK would think about the left. He would see them as traitors to America. You know the whole “what you can do for America” sounds nothing like the what can they do for me crowd that controls the left today. He’s rolling over in his grave over the freaks who took over the party!
  9. You are the definition of hypocrite! Lol 😂 You seriously need help.
  10. Yeah, making America great is such a terrible thing. Well in the eyes of the commie left it is. They hate this country with a passion! They allow you phone privileges in the mental hospital? Look in the mirror
  11. I’ll call it delusional. You on the left have lost all sense of reality. You’re the problem with this country.
  12. I believe he suffers from mental illness. And has a drinking problem as well. I actually pity him.
  13. I think it’s more drinking and mental illness on display here.
  14. I don’t personally care for answering questions with a limited amount of answers to choose from. If not winning championships all the time ruins your ability to enjoy the game, maybe, just maybe you shouldn’t watch anymore?
  15. I don’t understand fans who blame Allen! Without him this team is garbage! Let’s get rid of the best quarterback this team has ever had! They must miss the year after year of craptastic football since Josh joined the team and turned them into winners!
  16. Do you think they win the division without Allen at QB?
  17. He lies so much he doesn’t even realize it anymore. His mind is so corrupted he can’t tell the the even if it would save his life. liar in chief! He’s a disgusting person!
  18. You have no clue of what you say! You spew forth the leftist propaganda and then you pretend to be an independent. All you’ve proven is that you’re a liar! And not a very good one. Personally I see through your BS, but someone who may not know the truth could be deceived by your lies. You can respond to me or not but I have exposed your filthy disgusting lies! Your response has no bearing whatsoever on me and anyone else who sees your lies for what they are. You’re a fraud and a liar. I will no longer respond to you unless you change your ways.
  19. That’s all you post! Never a reasonable thought just your warm fuzzy. Unbelievable!!
  20. But you have no problem with spending ten times as much to “secure” Ukraines borders but so little on our own? I know you said it seems like a low number. That’s not what I asked you. Can you give me an honest answer without deflecting?
  21. I agree with you 100%. I just want John to explain why he thinks Ukraines security is worth ten times more than America’s.
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