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Everything posted by Westside

  1. Are you saying Douglas is toast? If yes, I strongly disagree. He was our best cb last year hands down. Not even close If not, then I apologize for not understanding and commenting on that misunderstanding. If not Douglas though, then who?
  2. This guys a creep. No wonder the basement dwellers in here love him.
  3. Like you could ever be impartial. You’re only as good as your history here and quite frankly it leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to being impartial.
  4. Because the first thing you bring up is racism. No one said anything about “brown skin” but you. It’s not the first time you’ve done that.
  5. You seem to have no problem turning your back on your allies in there greatest time of need. Just like you turned your back on half the country because they have differing opinions on how this country should be governed. So I’m not surprised, you seem to have a history of turning your back on people, I’m sure that carries over to the real world as well.
  6. You don’t leave a force or the people of Afghanistan behind to defend themselves against wolves you simpleton! What he did was traitorous! He ran away like the coward he is!
  7. Noticed how quick those coward “journalists” booked it out of there after the guy in the scooter ran that pos over? I wonder what happened to him after they ran away like cowards? You are the racist! A terrible human being. Be better!!
  8. Where does lying fall on that stupid list of yours? What was the name of your friend again?
  9. What could DeSantis do that Trump can’t? Do you think the leftists would accept ANY republican and not attack them like they did Trump? The left has shown us who they are! They would try to tear down any president that doesn’t have a D in front of their name.
  10. This will go over like a lead balloon! lol, those cowards would never sign up and fight. Their mommy’s would never let them! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 You gonna sign up for the Ukrainian national guard now that you can? Didn’t think so!
  11. Who the hell is talking about Trump? You’re nothing more than a mouth breather for the left! You are a joke of a human.
  12. Oh the irony! It’s gotten too bitter because of you biden!!!!
  13. You know he did. He didn’t reverse all the domestic gas and oil operations in America because he cares about the climate, he cares about how much grifting he and his family can do. Worst president ever. A traitor who should be removed and punished justly. But since he’s so old, they can’t/won't prosecute him because he’s senile. But still able to run the country. Only in damaged leftist brains does this make sense.
  14. These clowns don’t have a thread of integrity in their body.
  15. Trump caused the clot!! I can hear the chanting already.
  16. She should ask the people in Chicago that question. She’s a useful sheep until she isn’t anymore.
  17. He’s a janitor at a liberal arts “college”.
  18. Whatever Kay wrote above I’m going to use it tonight if I can’t fall asleep. 💤
  19. Oh look another independent who’s not a independent chiming in with his independent opinion which sounds a lot like dem rhetoric! Just a coincidence? Continue oh independent one! 😂 Another summer of peaceful protests? Just like the summer of love in 2020? Yeah, it’s the republicans who are violent! Damn fool!!!
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