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Everything posted by Westside

  1. Amazing!!! How far in the sand do you have to bury your head in to believe a person who lies continuously?
  2. Don’t forget gays and transsexuals. They get either thrown off a roof or stoned to death. Other than that, Christians and muslims are exactly alike. 🙄
  3. You’re the energizer lying bunny. You just keep on lying and lying.
  4. You can’t even admit you lied when you’re caught red handed. Are you even capable of differentiating between truth and lies?
  5. You sullied your reputation with your repeated lies. You are someone who can’t be trusted.
  6. The cows already out of the barn. So now you want border security? Never once called for it the past three years. Grow up and stop playing these stupid games. You’re intellectually dishonest and has zero morals. It must really suck to go through life so angry all the time.
  7. I’m so glad you don’t attack anyone who calls out your BS. Incredible!
  8. So we’re just supposed to believe you? You have a history of being unable to tell the truth, but this time it’s real!!!!
  9. Spin, deflect, wash and rinse. Repeat process.
  10. His mom would disagree, his body heat warms up the basement and in turn keeps the living area upstairs warm. So he does have a special purpose.
  11. What was the name of that famous actress you went to school with?
  12. You’re just supposed to trust them. They would never deceive you!
  13. Kids, this is what triggered looks like👆
  14. If you replace appease with eliminate then I would agree with you. Your only ad trustworthy as your past allows. PA have a history of wanting to eliminate Israel and its people.
  15. There is NO EVIDENCE of any wrongdoing! You’re always the victim, even when you’re the perpetrator. Grow up.
  16. You didn’t answer my question. Why such a priority now but not the past three years. As far as that disaster of a bill biden wanted passed was to allow over five million illegals into the country. And supposedly to close the borders at any time, which he already has the right to do now.
  17. Why is it all of a sudden such a priority now? Why not the past three years when over 10 million illegal immigrants invaded our borders? Why such a drastic policy change?
  18. He’s incapable of thinking for himself. Amazing!!!
  19. My apologies. I agree with that sentiment.
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