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Everything posted by Westside

  1. I agree, it was loud and very aggressive. It wax the rantings of a man suffering from dementia. I get no pleasure watching that. It actually makes me sad. He is not fit to be president. A real leader would try to unite the country, not spew forth hatred and division against his own citizens. I honestly would like to know if you thought that speech united the country? You obviously know my feelings about it but I really am interested in your opinion.
  2. He will come to Jesus soon and pay for his sins.
  3. Do you think his fiery demeanor while giving the speech was natural?
  4. It’s funny how I never seen you admonish biden with his obvious dementia yet you point out one time he made a slip of the tongue. Which , coming from you I don’t believe at all. You are the definition of hypocrite.
  5. NOPE NOPE NOPE!!!!!!
  6. That’s a lie. You cry no evidence when it comes to the grifting the bidens are doing with Ukraine but make unsubstantiated accusations about Trump without a shred of evidence. You are what we call a stupid sheep. That’s right Mr “independent”, your lies have caught up to you and no one respects or values your opinions.
  7. You think he had a script? He was so jacked up on amphetamines it was hilarious! He is evil incarnate. This joke has been in politics almost as long as I’ve been born. You go back and look at his speeches twenty years ago and he’s done a complete 180 on everything he supposedly believed in.
  8. Summer of love 2020?
  9. He claims Israel killed there own citizens to make it look like hamas did it!? He’s a terrorist sympathizer. I don’t take anything he says as his word.
  10. These terrorist sympathizers never cease to amaze me. Comrade Kay is a good name for her.
  11. True, I forgot about that. Oh well, put me on the no thanks list. lol
  12. Could he play safety?
  13. Do you need a crystal ball to know not to over pay for a 30+ year old DE? It was a bad deal, too much money for to many years.
  14. He’s the one who got us into this cap mess. I’m glad he’s getting us out of it.
  15. Don’t let those bastards drag you down!!! lol, I kid, I kid. (Kind of 👍🏻) 😂😂😂😂
  16. Two wings one bird! The whole government is a dumpster fire.
  17. She even looks nasty!
  18. Unless our OL gets decimated with injuries, then you’ll wish we still had Bates.
  19. When in Rome.........
  20. Have we already won the draft? lol
  21. If it’s a genocide they created it. Vote in a terrorist government and guess what happens. Neighboring countries will not stand for their terroristic ways.
  22. Why subject yourself to immature name calling America hating posters? Ignoring someone isn’t weak, it’s sifting out the nonsense.
  23. No, but if you’re giving young children gay pornography to read, I think the police might have a say about that.
  24. How are you privy to Sir Donald’s dietary habits?
  25. He’s unhinged
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