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Everything posted by Westside

  1. No to Zeke, we want to get younger not older. No to Jones, too injury prone.Pretty much everything else is solid.
  2. The lying cheating leftists are doing what they do best! How about New York finest start cracking down on this corruption? Nope, they’ll just follow orders and stand by as the corruption continues. Totally unacceptable!!!!
  3. They planned for and wanted an insurrection by the right. When it didn’t happen, they hid their agenda and punished trespassers with cruel and unusual punishment. Then the left tried to hide any evidence that might expose their sinister actions!
  4. Biden isn’t an idiot? What rock have you been hiding under the past 50 years?
  5. Joke bidumb loves to shower with his teenage daughter and sniff little girls. Besides bidumb doesn’t have a stuttering problem, he has a mash potato brain problem.
  6. That old piece of garbage is a disgrace to this country!!!
  7. He’s wrong in every instance. How could he “follow through” on his campaign promise about closing the border when the left fought tooth and nail to prevent that from happening. It’s not Trumps fault that the left wanted open borders! Besides, at the time of the 2020 election the plandemic was well under way. No amount of campaign promises was going to overturn the blatant amount cheating going on from the dummycrats. It was a perfectly executed coup by the left to overthrow the election process. Don’t think they won’t try it again in November. How many water main breaks, power outages will occur in the tightly contested swing states that will mysteriously turn into biden wins? We all saw it four years ago! And it worked! 81 million votes for a candidate who couldn’t get two dozen people at his campaign rallies!!! They're going to try and do it again I guarantee. They think we’re stupid!
  8. Yep, just what I thought. You’re a coward who doesn’t stand up for what you believe in.
  9. I was just thinking a later round player would be a good 3rd option. I have nothing against Morris, I just haven’t seen anything about him that stands out. A competition him and a later round rookie would be good.
  10. He’s a horrible president and a even worse human being!
  11. You dimwit! Zelenskyy just gave you coward liberals the green light to join their national guard. So put your money where your big mouth is and sign up to fight! But you would never do that because you’re a coward.
  12. I have no sympathy for the corrupt nyc police department. They follow orders not the constitution. They’ve proved they cannot be trusted.
  13. You’re deliberately being naive if you think he just mispronounced her name. You definitely live by the double standard. See both sides is hilarious 😂
  14. He’s trash. A filthy corrupt politician who only cares about himself. The sooner he’s gone the better.
  15. No evidence of any wrongdoing by Trump. Do you think the pack of wolves on the left would let that slide if it were true? Do you even think before you post?
  16. You make a lot of assumptions for accusing me of making assumptions. You’re hilarious, keep responding so I can have another good laugh.
  17. Have you been watching the team the last two years? We lost our entire DB field AND LB’s! There’s a pattern developing. Knox has a history of injuries and with the expected increase in production equals more opportunities for Kincaid to get injured. The thought of Morris having to start is scary, way too short and limited physically because of that. Besides, it’s just my opinion. I’m not saying it will happen. I’d rather invest in a later round TE in the draft. Maybe Morris is a great special teams player, I don’t know, though I’ve never noticed him before there.
  18. I'm worried about our depth if we have another year of a rash of injuries. Not much money to spend on free agents, we're gonna have to rely on late round picks to fill in if that happens. i'm not feeling really confident about that. I'm really worried about our DL and OL depth now. Pray for a injurie free (as much as possible) year!
  19. If the first two TE's get injured.
  20. How did our cap situation get so screwed up? How many rookies are they counting on to start because of the cap situation?
  21. Meh player. Hardly noticed him last year.
  22. You're obviously a biden cult member who has mashed potatoes for brains. You sure can diagnose Trump from afar hypocrite. Go back to your democratic cesspool and crawl back under the rock you came out from.
  23. I think your opinion and the rest of the country’s opinion are completely opposite. He looked anything but competent.
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