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Everything posted by Westside

  1. How do you explain Kamala telling everyone not to trust the vaccine because Trump was the president?
  2. Why do you hate moms who are protecting their children?
  3. Show me one post where every illegal alien has been called a rapist terrorist. Your drama might work well in your leftist world, but it’s called lying every where else.
  4. They know and deliberately lie about it. That’s all they have is lies. The leftists on here accuse anyone who doesn’t agree with their warped agenda of doing exactly what they do. Most people on here are just normal people trying to live their lives. But instead they’re called names and lie.
  5. His names on it. It doesn’t matter if he wrote it or not. You can’t pick and choose which tweet you’re going to accept as his own words. The buck stops here, isn’t that what he said? If he didn’t write it and had no idea it was posted, then that’s a big problem. He’s not in charge of his administration. Everything, but you knew that already.
  6. Why do you feel the need to lie so much? Probably because you know what you say is BS.
  7. Cult boy is on a mission!! How many I hate Trump threads it can make in a day? Not a cult though. Hoax
  8. You’re such a drama queen. Kill democracy! lol, that’s what this administration is doing. But you can’t see that with your drama queen glasses on. So you just spew forth your ignorant lies anyway? Yeah, you’re not in a cult.
  9. Well deserved, they all had really good seasons. I can’t wait to watch them get even better next year!
  10. You’re just a nasty old man.
  11. So much fear from the radical leftists.
  12. Emotional damage 👆
  13. Fake tweet. Bribem couldn’t pronounce that much less be able to tweet it. Pure political garbage.
  14. How much junk is in that bill? Bipartisan, lol, what did they get two rinos to vote yes?
  15. I was just playing there game. I do think with all the money spent on other countries infrastructure and so little money spent on ours. That is bidens fault. That is absolutely true.
  16. Take your racist bs and shove it. It must suck to be such a loser. You’re such a hateful person. Disgusting.
  17. We need to get younger on defense. Especially the interior DL.
  18. I agree. That’s exactly why my passion for the game has waned.
  19. Oh the irony Is your mind that closed that you can’t even tolerate differing opinions without name calling?
  20. And she’ll probably win
  21. They’re corrupt. We would be better off letting states along the border handle the crisis using the national guard.
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