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Everything posted by Westside

  1. How can anyone on the left defend Palestine and hamas after watching this video. They are a evil that needs to be destroyed or there will never be peace in the world.
  2. Throw him in jail. He’s the one who should be on trial. You have to be as braindead and morally bankrupt to be a democrat these days. They care nothing about the truth!
  3. I can smell your fear. LOL
  4. It said he was incompetent to stand trial.
  5. Sounds a lot like the idiot leftist here on PPP.
  6. Now I know you’re just a troll.
  8. I was just messing with you. Hard to do on a message board. 😆 I do agree with what you said though. 👍
  9. Who's everyone? This feels like a emotional response.
  10. Yawn……….it’s always evil MAGA people. You are a magaphobic. You belittle and demean anyone who doesn’t fall in line with your marxists views. You are a shining example of the Democratic parties left wing nut jobs who have taken over the party. You and your ilk disgusts me, this is coming from a lifelong democrat who walked away from the evil left wing democrat party because they no longer represent what the Democratic Party used to believe in!!
  11. Only if a Republican does it is it false imprisonment. When democrats do it it’s totally ok!
  12. How did the bills get pick no 41? What was the trade?
  13. Kuwait needs a come to Jesus moment.
  14. The radical leftists hero. Lying mush for brains. Who likes showing with his daughter. Plagiarizes speeches, finished bottom of his class, you name it he’s lied about it. Yet he is there hero. Pathetic!
  15. He can’t help himself. He’s a natural born liar. Just like the lying radical leftists on here. Lie Lie Lie
  16. Are they allowed to walk freely in public without head being covered? In a muslim country?
  17. You should up your daily prayers to ten times a day. Five times ain’t enough.
  18. How many women and gays have been stoned to death or thrown off buildings by the “religion of peace”?
  19. How dare they think for themselves! There racism is incredible!
  20. His hatred of Americans and American woman. He believes women should be covered head to toe in a sheet with just there eyes showing. While he can prance around wearing anything he wants. But he loves women though!!!!
  21. How can you say that when you have no clue who’s coming over? How is this helping American families?
  22. You want to keep black people on the democratic plantation. Pretty racist and pathetic.
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