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Everything posted by Westside

  1. Make the democratic plantation great again?
  2. They ain't black if they vote for anyone other than a democrat. Isn't it nice that white liberals are letting black folks know if they are really black or just a fake black? Thank GOD for these white male liberals who sacrifice their time and energy on stupid minorities who can't think for themselves?
  3. Disparage the system? Even if they're doing wrong? Just keep your mouth shut or you'll face consequences from the government? Is that your idea of free speech?
  4. What was that, forty or fifty years ago? Thank GOD that doesn't happen anymore. Unless it's aimed at straight white men, then that's fair game. Reggie, though a great great player was always known for embellishing stuff. I'm sure he faced some racist behavior by white liberals back in the day, but take what he says with a grain of salt.
  5. This guys not qualified to be a librarian, much less the president of the United States! There are some very dishonest people (or bots) on PPP that support this mentally disabled old man. How sad and pathetic.
  6. Let me get this straight lefties, no mention of the Ten Commandments I. School , but drag queens reading gay porn to children is ok? You’re replacing a religious belief you apparently despise with your religion any normal thinking person would despise. The left are the poster child for hypocrisy.
  7. lol, old plagiarizing joke bribem lies his ass off everyday not a peep from you. It’s your guy so it’s ok to lie?
  8. They’re not looking for answers , just to blame anyone who doesn’t agree with them.
  9. They’ll hide him in the basement until after the election like they did in 2019.
  10. That’s mental illness. Sounds like the lefty idiots who post here. I wonder how many of them are “trans”?
  11. The dimwits on the left know he has mashed potatoes for brains. They just have to tow the party line with their rhetoric. They are what we call low IQ voters.
  12. The libtards are ok with illegal aliens beating the hell out of a NYC cop and letting them go without any jail time or bail. But those violent J6 grandmas and grandpas who trespassed should be locked up for life. Typical libtard logic. Unbelievable!
  13. Those are the “acceptable” mass shootings in libtard land.
  14. Things that never happened for $400
  15. The left lies their asses off and then try to take the moral high ground. You can’t make this crap up. Not a honest democrat on this board, not one. Lying dirtbags.
  16. They are domestic terrorists, which the current administration is supporting. Traitors everyone of them.
  17. What a creepy old man that joke Bribem is. Totally inappropriate, like sniffing little children. Lock this pervert up!
  18. Soon you will be hearing the cult of progressives head exploding. Lol
  19. You are such a small minded ignorant racist.
  20. The racist left keep showing us their true colors. When they tell you they’re race hating low life’s, believe them!
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