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Everything posted by Westside

  1. A face only a mother could love, or a mayor of DC. She’s nothing more than a prostitute banging here way up the political ladder.
  2. Says the brain dead POS who supports a corrupt president who can’t stop pooping his pants. You’re a joke. I’m sorry you were born without an ounce of common sense or decency. Continue being the garbage human being you are.
  3. I wonder whose pockets that money ended up in? You know it has to be a commie loving dumborat!
  4. You really do have your head in the sand. Or you’re just being willfully ignorant.
  5. Of course they are. They are doing the bidding of our corrupt government. So that makes it ok. Bunch of F’n hypocrites.
  6. That’s exactly what it was and you know it. The fact that you have no qualms about lying your azz off doesn’t surprise me one bit.
  7. Let’s put Brandon on trial for stealing classified documents. Oh, that’s right, he’s a democRAT so that makes it ok! F’n hypocrites.
  8. Bomb bomb bomb lebanon. Bribem is THE worst president this country has ever had. He’s a traitor to this country, he’s a traitor to our allies. He’s a terrible human being who lies his ass off every time he opens his mouth. Just a total POS!
  9. This airhead is a judge? Lord help us. Remove this bimbo!!
  10. Another day, another democrat cheating. Nothing new here.
  11. As a former president, was he allowed to declassify them and take them? Now, how about bribem? He stole classified documents when he was a senator! Which according to the rule of law, he stole them! You definitely are a special kind of stupid.
  12. You have lost your damn mind!!! Borrow money from the biggest polluter in the world to stop climate change???? You're a special kind of stupid aren’t ya?
  13. Only because your brain dead leader is losing. The people are waking up to the mentally unstable leftists BS.
  14. You leftists are f’n morons!
  15. Maybe we can borrow another trillion from China to combat global warming? lol, now that would be a typical leftist response.
  16. Another one of those hi IQ liberals the lefties always brags about. 👆👆👆
  17. They’re going to need more than Michigan. They know they’ve pissed off most Americans with their woke BS. They can’t even define what a woman is. Unbelievable!!!
  18. But the actual pastor of this particular church did not have a problem. But the msm sure had a problem with it. The leftists sure sound like pre Jim Crow democrats to me. But I bet you believed the hell out of the fake Russian propaganda that the Clinton and Democratic Party pushed hard in 2016.
  19. Who cares, kids get raped and killed every day. It’s unfair to deliberately point out illegal aliens who do it. According to the leftists on here.
  20. You’ve obviously never ran a business.
  21. Why must you always define everything by the color of your skin? The pastor didn’t seem to have a problem with it. Why do you? Do you think you know better than the pastor of this church?
  22. The parents of the leftists on here should have done that to them years ago. Instead, they can’t tell the difference between men and women. You can’t make this up!
  23. Typical response from a race hustler. They’re all for keeping the Democratic plantation strong.
  24. Should white people be banned from black churches? So you do believe in segregation, only as it pertains to your beliefs.
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