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Everything posted by Westside

  1. So she would still be alive today if you didn't fire him? I don't know man, but I think you might be a co conspirator?
  2. I wouldn't be more surprised if I woke up in the morning with my head stapled to the carpet.
  3. Blaming Trump seems to be the go to response nowadays. Whatever happened to putting the blame were it belongs. The person who committed the crime.
  4. I think every white Male in America, should follow the lead of the democratic candidates and apologize for being born white. Then we can move on to the reparations.
  5. This has got to be tibs!???
  6. It indicates to me, those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
  7. I wonder what percentage of mass shootings are in blue states compared to red states? NY, chi, Detroit, Baltimore, Gary Indiana, LA. If you take away these democratic run ***** holes, I wonder how much your crime statistics improve?
  8. I'm from Rochester, but I'm on vacation outside DC.
  9. Mid 80's with high humidity. Thank God for ac.
  10. It's a real scorcher here today!
  11. I wonder why this isn't headline news? Can anyone explain why?
  12. Are you one of those idiots who sees racism everywhere? If your idea of forward means turning America into a socialist country, I'd rather go backwards.
  13. No, I never said or thought that.
  14. Nope, I think people are getting tired of the hateful left, antifa, screams of racism every chance they get, snowflakes with kitty hats screaming outrage in the streets. The BS Russian collusion, the Cavanaugh ***** show the left put on. That's just a few things people are getting tired of. There's a lot more than that. Keep it up though. You're just making it easier for President Trump to be re-elected.
  15. The left is batsh$t crazy. You throw the word racist around like you're some kind of specialist on who's racist and who's not. Who are to just blatantly call people out as racist?who the ***** made the left think they have the right to call people racist without knowing them?
  16. Thanks, you just proved my point. Get some help.
  17. You must be a miserable person to be around. I think you seriously need some help.
  18. It's pretty sad when your answer to everything is, you're a racist. If everyone on the right is a racist. Then everyone on the left is a facist. This game is fun to play!!
  19. Especially the left
  20. Has there been any updates or rumors of what was in those notes?
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