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Everything posted by Westside

  1. I actually wish they would vote on impeachment. That would open a bunch of doors for the Republicans to subpoena the traitors and liars and thieves on the left to be questioned under oath. They will never vote to impeach because they know what a pandora box they would open. It's all a show. All flash no substance.
  2. Try using that in a court of law. They would laugh you out of the courtroom. Besides, the treaty Bill Clinton signed gives the president the right to help uncover corruption. There is no law broken. Reminds me of the ending of the movie "And Justice for All" starring Al Pacino. The left is so eager to impeach Trump, they forgot to find a crime he committed to get impeached. Great movie if you never saw it. I highly recommend it.
  3. You can talk till your blue in the face. There was not any hint of extortion from that phone call. The liberal left must have a serious reading disability if they see that in the transcript.
  4. Treaty document 106-16 Look it up. Signed September 30, 1999
  5. Didn't Bill Clinton sign a treaty with the Ukraine to help each other fight against corruption? This was back when he was president. If he did sign the treaty, there is no case. He is allowed, under the treaty to ask for help in fighting corruption. Case closed.
  6. I bet all these fake posters are just coworkers of tibtard at the laundromat. What a bunch of morons. Fake news, fake posters trying to make a little extra money by spamming on PPP.
  7. The left doesn't even try to hide their blatant lies. They're doing everything right out in the open and blame the president for what they are doing. How is this charade allowed to go on? Shiff lied right on tv about what the Ukrainian telephone call said and nothing is done!! How can this be allowed?
  8. So dishonest, you have no moral values. Completely devoid of any character. So pathetic.
  9. You're the Adam Schiff of PPP. You have no problem "lying" your a$$ off because the facts don't help your agenda. People are so tired of the sh!t show the left has been putting on the last three years. I'm sure you got'em this time though!
  10. He's past the point of rescue. He's nothing more than a lieing POS. He's worthless.
  11. You really are a POS
  12. Snowflake says what?
  13. 4 more years! 4 more years! 4 more years! Let's keep America great!!!!
  14. He's only played 15 games. He's still raw. Besides, he was playing the no.1 defense in the nfl. He'll learn. I see tons of talent in him. He will be fine.
  15. Where did this hero bs come from? What Qb doesn't want to be the hero? Any player for that matter. He's young, he'll learn. Stop this hero bs talk.
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