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Everything posted by Westside

  1. Are you drinking this morning? That has to be the most ridiculous word salad I’ve heard since harris was campaigning. Stay in canada, you’ll be much safer there! 🤣
  2. After the last four years of a secret government running the country, NOW you’re worried about the country?
  3. Why? Do you have something to hide? You must be doing something illegal to not want to get to the truth!
  4. Lock her up!
  5. It might be you. Lol Seriously, I agree. The whole world has gotten ruder.
  6. Damn, stop being a little B word. Grow up and stop living off the public dole.
  7. Micro penis?!?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'd be willing to bet that is an issue our leftist friends suffer with. It would explain their hatred for everything good. I actually pity them.
  8. Since when have you ever cared about the constitution? You use it as a weapon, just like religion. Another thing you want to get rid off.
  9. So now you believe the laptop is real? Does that include the biden family bribery scheme?
  10. Send those criminals back to where they came from!
  11. I don’t understand why the leftists are up in arms about rooting out corruption? Do they somehow think that money will eventually trickle down to them? The logic of leftists. They’re willing to cut off their nose to spite their face! How totally ridiculous and immature of them!
  12. The bidens are gone and I never voted for that crook. You did that.
  13. You’re an idiot.
  14. I hope he doesn’t try to get to cute with trade ups. His past history is a little shaky when it comes to moving up to select his player. Not sure why we would only get two fifths instead of at least a third for losing Floyd! We always get shorted when it comes to comp picks.
  15. Like you actually care about this great country! You wanted to fundamentally change it. Doesn’t sound like love to me.
  16. Bishop looks horrible out there. He looks lost and out of position all the time. I’m afraid he has bust written all over him.
  17. No, McDermott has a lifetime contract. As long as the Bills win the regular season and tickets and merchandise keep selling, there’s no reason to change anything.
  18. Why was Allen throwing to Coleman on crucial plays when we have Cooper warming the bench? This coaching staff seems to have an issue with playing anyone who is new to the team. It’s absolutely ridiculous. It feels like we threw away the third round to acquire Cooper who we seldom played!
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