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Everything posted by Westside

  1. There defense is shaky at best
  2. You've spent the last three years throwing a temper tantrum like a little child just because your team lost. Grow up!
  3. I bet you are a Russian bot. You sound like a Russian. Do they have laundromats in russia?
  4. You need to check yourself into a mental hospital because you're delusional. Both countries have a treaty to help each other fight corruption. Nothing to see here. Your people on the left have some serious problems coming there way soon. Keep throwing up the smoke screen. Nobody believes you.
  5. Show me were on the Ukrainian report that he asked for dirt? You won't because you can't. Stop the lies. God you're bad at this.
  6. I don't remember how many flags they gsd6, but I thought they played pretty well with all the injuries they had. I was impressed with how they were able to dominate the Los at the end of the game.
  7. I agree. But every team won't be a top 5 defense either.
  8. This is what the refs want. A tenn win.
  9. Good Lord people. Chill out!
  10. Good Lord!!! Do they have a line of people to accuse if the previous accuser is found to be FOS? This looks really bad for the democrates. They seem so desperate. I wonder why?
  11. You're such a drama queen
  12. Of course not. But nobody circles the swamp like the rat bastards on the left.
  13. Is that what you got from my post? No wonder you have no clue what the Ukrainian transcript says.
  14. What a quitter AOC is. Just when it's starting to get fun, she quits.
  15. Isn't that cute! You're having a conversation with yourself!
  16. Things that will never happen: Trump will be impeached You becoming a lawyer Tibs will tell the truth J. Adam's will have only one account here....
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