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Everything posted by Westside

  1. That's an excellent point. Never heard it said before. It could very well be.
  2. That tard will never change. What's the point in talking to him. He's a liar and he knows it.
  3. Where did I say i was voting on personality? Did I vote for Obama? Yep, twice as a matter of fact. Do I regret that decision? Yep, but I had no idea how corrupt he was. I don't appreciate your "philosophical compass" accusations. If you had read my post you would have known why I switched parties. It was the corruption in the party that made me leave. My compass is just fine thank you.
  4. I've voted Democrat my whole life, except for this past election. I couldn't vote for Hillary after doing a bunch of research on her and her past. I'm happy so far with the job he's doing despite the witch hunt. This is definitely not the democratic party that I supported all my life. I don't think I'll vote for a Democrat again as long as the current "leaders" of the party are still in charge.
  5. Lol, says the guy who can't get over the fact there was no russian collusion with Trump. You're still pissed off over it. Lol
  6. Probably because you're stoned out of your mind
  7. It must be hard to read with SO MUCH RAGE!!!!!
  8. Does that rage inside you burn? Does orange man make you cry and shake with anger? Is that how you liberals felt the last three years? SO MUCH RAGE!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Bob fiddles while the DNC burns. Keep hitting that bong bob, the answers will become clearer.
  10. The faux outrage is so damn amusing!!
  11. Did you laugh when you found out he died?
  12. Too bad he didn't fight harder for them.?
  13. Like a bunch of thieves
  14. It's ridiculous, they totally give themselves a pardon for all the corruption over the last 3 years, then make up ***** on the president that they've done!!! This is an episode of the twilight zone.
  15. Are we that jaded that when a president of a major news network admits to wanting to help over throw a duly elected president that it's not big news? Did we already know most of this? Yes, but at least now they have him on tape admitting it. I think this is a pretty big deal.
  16. These are the people like tibs, EII, Gary busey support. Hard to take them seriously. Where is the outrage on the left? Does that mean you condone violence against people who disagree with you?
  17. Disgusting. That's all I can say.
  18. Looking over the no.1 picks in Bill's history, man has time flown buy! Mike Williams pick was 17 years ago!!!!
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