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Everything posted by Westside

  1. This is serious Deep State!!!! Wow!!!!
  2. Are you saying Truman was Putin's B word?
  3. That's what EII and his commie buddies are fighting against. He knows what's best for you! Trump 2020 Keep America Great!!!
  4. It's hard to win in the nfl
  5. Chill, it's just a game
  6. Our coaches play scared in the first halves in all the games this year.
  7. Yeah but, #orangemanbad!!!!
  8. What if I turned the tables on them????
  9. Better question is, what is your plan when you win the Powerball jackpot?
  10. But that's different because #orangemanbad
  11. I love how you come across as the expert on morality. Lol?
  12. When you come on a message board, any message board and state lies as facts, you're going to get replies you probably won't like. Everyday lefties come on PPP and repeat the same old lies. They never try to listen to another point of view that's different than there's. They don't want a dialogue, they want to continue to be the victims.
  13. Key word is was. This isn't the Democratic party I grew up with. The party turned corrupt when the Clintons showed up.
  14. You know tibs, I don't dislike you. I really don't. I actually pity you. You have some serious issues that I think needs a professional to help you deal with it. Please get help before it's to late.
  15. Republican Matt Gaetz was kicked out. Don't you ever get tired of being beaten like a pinata?
  16. It's the truth. Sorry to break it to you. The whole DNC is as corrupt as the mafia. You've got Biden on video admitting to shake down the Ukrainians unless they do what he told them to do. The Clintons, where do I even start with this corruption ridden couple? Then there's shift shift. Lies after lies after lies. Nasty Nancy trying her best to hold on to her speaker position that she has become a puppet to the extreme left. She'll say or do whatever she has too to stay in control. Good lord! I don't know how you can see anything with that log in your eye. (That's a biblical reference in case you were wondering)
  17. You've lied so much you can't even tell the truth to save your life. They're kicking Republicans out of the "hearing". How much more corrupt is that. Yet you defend it. I think PPP needs to drain the swamp in here, starting with you.
  18. Not when it's done in secret behind closed doors.
  19. You think an attempted coup is funny? You can't disprove anything I said because it's the truth. I hope soros pays you enough for you to sell your soul.
  20. I agree, what happened in 2016 with Hillary Clinton was corruption at it's very worst. Thank God we have decent hard working honest people like Barr investigating it. Don't worry tard, he will get to the bottom of this coup attempt.
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