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Everything posted by Westside

  1. Who are you today? How does it feel (I know you're big on the "feelz") to know you're the village idiot of PPP?
  2. I think margarita is tibs female account. It's one his 12 personalities he has. Very damaged brain. So sad.
  3. Wow, what a weak comeback. The bidens are crooks, even his crackhead loser son. Yet you defend these POS every day. Says alot about you. You're nothing more than soros bullhorn. How pathetic you are.
  4. It was a money grab when Obama and Biden were in the White House. They need to investigate ALL of Bidens checking accounts, home and abroad. They were stealing taxpayers money left and right. But that's ok with you because they're democrats. How pathetic you are.
  5. Well, Obama isn't the president anymore. So that cleared up the corruption in the White House when he left.
  6. I heard Tom left because he wanted to spend more time as his altar ego tibtard.
  7. If they were allowed to call witnesses, this sham of an impeachment might not be happening. Hey, don't let the truth interrupt a rail roading of the President.
  8. WTF??? Have you been smoking some of Bob's "medicinal" marijuana?
  9. Three times I've had to put my dog down. I stayed to the end with each of them. Just had to put my dog down this past summer. I'm not going to lie, I cried like a baby each time. It still hurts to think of them sometimes. Good luck with your bull dog steptide.
  10. I heard season 3 of mindhunter on Netflix has been canceled. Anybody else hear this and why?
  11. He thinks if the Democrats win the house, all of there corruption will be swept under the rug.
  12. Daboll coached the entire season while in a coma. Expected to wake up before training camp starts next year
  13. That's Biden and Hillary.
  14. Perfect example of why you should never post when you're stoned off your gourd.
  15. Some fans can't get over the Allen pick. They never will.
  16. You are so clever! Not
  17. I think that Trumps being a third wheel in a trial for an hour.
  18. Good lord!!!! People are dropping like flies lately!!!
  19. So sorry Joe. I had to put my emma down this past August. I would like to get another one, but it hurt to much losing my emma. Maybe someday I'll get another one. I'm glad you have other dogs in your life. I hope it helps with your healing.
  20. Oh Tibbles, it's supposed to be sheep, not goats. Goats talk to much.
  21. That's playoff football. Low scoring strong defense. We've been playing that all year. It gave us 10 wins. I don't think they are going to suddenly open up the offense. This is what wins championships.
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