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Everything posted by Westside

  1. He had a bad day! Are you f’n kidding me!!! A bad day!?!? The old bastard has mush for brains! He’s shot, done and ready for the bone yard. Had a bad day!!! 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  2. You don’t care if the constitution is ripped in half as long as your side does the ripping? One minute your threatening a mass shooting the next your crying over the constitution? You are seriously messed up.
  3. You sound so desperate! Lol Don't vote for Trump! The boogeyman is coming for you!
  4. Name the policies that Trump implemented. 64% means nothing. What are the policies? Your reputation does not allow for any claims supposedly based on left wing propaganda to go unchallenged. What are these policies that were implemented by Trump? Can you produce them or only spew left wing propaganda?
  5. The left is so delusional
  6. Show me the Trump connection. How many of the “lefties” on PPP claim to be ex conservatives? I don’t care what this organization says. I don’t believe anyone in the msm. I don’t doubt they wrote it but I see no proof anywhere they Trump has endorsed this. In fact if you were intellectually honest, you can go right to Trimos campaign website and see if project 2025 is anywhere in the website. I’ll save you the trouble because I know you don’t like to actually fact check anything you post, no, there is no mention of project 2025. It seems like another left wing political hack job on Trump.
  7. We need to reopen mental hospitals. These people are f’n nuts!
  8. Show me besides some biased article that Trump is planning on implementing project 2025. The only ones I see pushing this are left wing publications that have been less than honest in their coverage of Trump. You can cite all the BS you want but your reputation precedes you.
  9. Once again, you accuse without any proof. No clue who or what this group is. You posted this ridiculous comment, explain what the 64% that Trump has supposedly implemented. We have no clue if it was related to this group or not. But you in your ever report first and fact check never just had to rush out and type this up in another one of your got Trump moments. You and the rest of the degenerates on the left have no credibility whatsoever. There isn’t a lie you won’t advance to further your cause. Totally despicable and the country is finally waking up to your crap. Thank GOD!!!!
  10. lol, that’s awesome
  11. That’s quite the stretch. Can you share with us the 64% policy changes you claim he made for heritage foundation? Or are we just supposed to believe you know? Your track record for lying is quite remarkable. So excuse me for not believing anything you write without actual proof.
  12. I don’t support biden. You do. I’m I hear he likes to shower with his daughter.
  13. So many conspiracy theories from the leftists. I’m going to invest in aluminum foil stock! 😂😂😂😂😂
  14. STFU. Peddling the leftist lies like a good little B word. You’re pathetic.
  15. lol, good luck with that. China will tell the US to pound sand!
  16. They have no clue what the word democracy means. They repeat any nonsense the libtards tell them.
  17. Are you going to force China to drastically reduce their carbon footprint? Since they are the world’s biggest polluters? Do you think any of your ideas will actually change anything with the third world countries shutting all over the environment? Yeah, let’s bankrupt America with the climate change nonsense while the rest of the world keeps polluting. Brilliant
  18. Still better than cackles any day of the week.
  19. A lot of cackling!! I wonder if willie brown will have a role in cackle’s administration?
  20. You’re the one bitching that black and Hispanic people are leaving the democratic plantation. Nice deflection though, I see you haven’t denied it. You just hate being called out for your racist rhetoric.
  21. Don’t forget the KKK. The left loves them some klan! Especially biden. Best friends with former grand wizard of the kkk Byrd.
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