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Everything posted by Westside

  1. You remember what obama said. Never let a crisis go to waste. What a coincidence that the Chinese, who are "friends" with Democrats, just happen to release a virus after all attempts to remove Trump failed. Yeah, tank the economy, get Biden elected.
  2. That's the left's goal. They have run out of ammunition, now they are down to throwing their guns.
  3. They never said it was a hoax and you know that. Trying to blame the president is disgusting and pathetic.
  4. That's because of the CNN and msnbc fear mongering.
  5. I think everyone, young and old should be concerned. Not just for themselves but for family, friends and even strangers. PS: not directed at you Wacka?
  6. How does it feel to be considered a clown? You must be real proud of that.
  7. Typical ribs, laughing at people's misfortunes. You really are a piece of work.
  8. They probably plan on selling some of it. Greed at its finest.
  9. My prayers are with you and your family.
  10. Stop being a baby.
  11. That's what the left wants. The economy to tank, so they can win back the power they so greedily want. The left has always put power over the people. This is disgusting and evil. But after the last three years, I wouldn't expect anything different.
  12. If this "pandemic" can tank the economy, then that is good news for the dems. Anything to get back the power. I wouldn't put it past them.
  13. No, your aunt Tilley, of course Clinton. The old crooked hag is up to no good.
  14. Not even the Bidens, Quid pro Joe and his cokehead son.
  15. Clinton, Brennan, Comey, Shifty Schiff and the rest of the degenerates on the left will have a great time in Gitmo for treason.
  16. This so called judge seems to be part of the swamp. Yeah, no bias here.?
  17. I think the President is doing a great job in regards to being a leader. It's not easy to lead when you have the Democrats making up false statements. You would think the left would put the country and it's citizens above politics, but that's asking too much I guess.
  18. Typical leftist behavior. So full of hate.
  19. Coincidence??? I think not!!!
  20. Thank you for reminding me. Lol I think that only applies to Democrats though.
  21. She's lucky she wasn't thrown in prison much less investigated. What she did is highly illegal, but she's a democrat so that makes it ok.
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