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Everything posted by Westside

  1. Doesn't really piss me off. It just makes you look like an ass.
  2. He "joined" Wednesday. Notice all the new liberal posters? What a coincidence?
  3. President Donald Trump is the best president I've been alive to witness. A great man, a great leader who actually cares about this country.
  4. Liberals hate facts like vampires hate sunlight. (No, I'm not talking about Nasty Pelosi)
  5. Ok, who just created this account? Tibs, gary, baby, tps??
  6. Thank you. This is much better than mine. We must keep reposting this.
  7. They are part of the left propaganda machine which is controlled by china. There only goal is to get rid of this president, by any means possible and destroy democracy in this country. Does anyone notice that they all repeat the same lies over and over again, no matter when presented with the truth? They have an agenda. They want to see this country fail. They are traitors to America. This is very much a war against the communist sympathizers on the left for the heart and soul of this great country. Do not take this lightly, because they don't.
  8. What were your china loving liberals doing the first 70 days? Let's see....... 1. They called Trump a racist when he decided to ban travel to china. 2. Pelosi was telling people to come on down to Chinatown in February. 3. During the most crucial time of the virus spreading in the US, the Democrats were holding a sham impeachment trial. 4. Let's not forget the mayor of NYC saying it's perfectly fine to go out on public. 5. Pelosi rejecting the relief bill to add a ton of pork for her new "green ideas", which delayed the American people and small businesses the money they so desperately need. 6. Sending the endowment of the arts 25 million before anyone received their check. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that her friends are on the board. Yeah, just a coincidence. 7. Bumbling biden saying he would not have closed the border. Can you imagine how much worse it would be if he were in charge? That's just off the top of my head. I'm sure there are many more I missed. And you have the nerve to call Trump incompetent? Thank God he is in charge instead of the left! I know when this is over, he is the right person to turn this economy back into the huge success pre covid19.
  9. I disagree, I don't believe the president has the authority to do a national stay at home order. That's up to the states to decide, like it should be. Wasn't it nancy who dragged her feet on it when she filled the bill with a bunch of pork? She held it up for a week.
  10. I agree 100% I believe the American people can't use the excuse about not knowing what was going on during the shampeachment anymore. It's as clear as day, the left isn't even trying to hide it anymore. This needs to stop and justice needs to be served ASAP if we want to keep this country together. Keep up the good work DR, keep fighting the good fight. Truth will prevail.
  11. Lol, that's a promise I'm willing to make. She really needs to let her impeachment witch hunt go. This alone shhots down her theory about not reacting in time. I think she really needs to step down.
  12. Can someone on the left explain to me how the president didn't respond fast enough, yet here is Pelosi telling people to come on down to Chinatown at the end of February? I'm serious, how can the left just ignore that? I really hope someone on the left can help me understand, because I really do want to understand.
  13. Clearly it was much much better than Congress, who got the same information that the president got. They were too busy with there fake impeachment circus. Nancy lied People died
  14. Does the president have that authority? Or is it up to the states?
  15. How many employees can a lemonade stand have? Lol I'm just busting your chops. Good luck with your business. ?
  16. Ir maybe tattoo a number on them? Or even better, a barcode!
  17. Only a idiot would compare South Korea to the United states. Apples to oranges, but I'm sure the good dr knew that.?
  18. She seriously needs to go. Unreal.
  19. Maybe I misread you. I just think the country is so divided I don't think the percentage of non decided is anywhere close to 40%.
  20. Do you actually think you can get his haters to stop hating him if he was nicer?
  21. He's winning. Why change his strategy for people who would never vote for him?
  22. If that is true, that's pretty stupid. I don't agree with that decision.
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