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Everything posted by Westside

  1. Does it matter if he was or wasn't? He's an idiot for posting Trump knew in November. Just like you. Keep beating that dead horse. Idiot!
  2. Link??? He doesn't even get paid for his work. He donates his salary.
  3. I can't understand liberals and their support for Biden. All the money him and his family has stolen. He's a professional crook.
  4. Because he's got the "feelz". Plus he gets paid to post that garbage.
  5. Lol, you're so childish. Must suck being wrong all the time.
  6. Typical liberals, they claim to be honest, yet they need to keep changing their name. Lol, so dishonest they are.
  7. Why are you using two different names at the same time?
  8. RIP, my condolences to his family and friends.
  9. I would think the number of people who recovered would be a more rational way of measuring progress. Deaths are too vague and hard to pin down.
  10. I would say that is a disputed number. Every death besides accidents or murders are now considered covid19 deaths. I bet the actual number is maybe half that, which is still to high. You have to consider the source and what there agenda is.
  11. I know why you hate him. Because to you it's all based on your emotions. I don't judge him emotionally, I judge him by his actions. Nothing I say will ever be good enough for you. So why bother?
  12. You're right Doc. The maximum amount you can get from state is a little over $500, which increased last year I think. Thanks for clearing that up for me.?
  13. I hear NY has upped unemployment to $600 a week on top of the $600 a week from federal. Unbelievable!
  14. I hope so. But I'm afraid the CCP has paid off a lot of Americans to keep pushing there agenda.
  15. Don't think there is one. They are all batschiit crazy.
  16. And even now scaring the ***** out of people with the 18 months lockdown talk.
  17. How about telling people it's ok to go out and shop and eat at restaurants at the end of February? Is that horrible advice or just a tad slow on the decision making?
  18. Nope, ***** that idea! I don't want the government tracking me. The cure would be worse than the disease.
  19. Got it, just to be a dick. Yeah, you care about people. Lol
  20. If that's the case, why bother with your daily circus?
  21. Isn't that what china is doing now? No new cases since the outbreak. They just opened up the airport. Yeah, let's be more like China!
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