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Everything posted by Westside

  1. So, words speak louder than action?
  2. Spoken like a true communist
  3. Now it all makes sense. They can't think for themselves, so they follow the leader
  4. Lol, how many muskets got turned in? You don't have a topic beyond give up your guns. Liberalism is a disease.
  5. Hey, if you gave up your guns, you know the criminals will give up theirs. They like equal playing fields.
  6. They're like human pinatas. It's fun to smack them around everyday.
  7. Kind of like your Queen Hillary. So sad to see her fall from grace. Hey! Look on the brightside, you have biden now! Oh........he won't remember anything you tell him. So sad.
  8. Remember to keep repeating the same old lies over and over. You're making progress!?
  9. Keep beating that dead horse. You're making progress!?
  10. Yep, typical response to someone living in a fairyland. Are you saying criminals don't have guns?
  11. Lol, I don't see you say sh@t to crybaby when he posts the same old thing over and over. What's so hard about being consistent?
  12. Yep, they want the economy to tank and people go hungry just to get rid of Trump. It's a disease worse than covid19.
  13. Wow, the commie liberals seem awfully upset today? They're out in droves.
  14. If biden asked you to jump, would you? We all know biden won't even remember asking you.
  15. Pot meet kettle He's a hell of a lot smarter than you cry baby.
  16. Sounds like Japan didn't take appropriate action fast enough.
  17. That's awesome. Every country should consider ending any kind of trade with that brutal communist regime. If the people of China revolt and get rid of their government "leaders", then reopen trade. It's the government, not the citizens who are our enemy.
  18. You say this is a time for positive action not blame, right after blaming the president for everything? How can anyone take you serious? Look in the mirror and start there. Such a hypocrite.
  19. Is that your talking point for today? You never seem to find something to b!tch about even if you have to make it up. It must really suck to have someone you hate so much living in your head rent free. Lol
  20. Some people just want to b!tch and b!tch and b!tch!!!
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