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Everything posted by Westside

  1. You’re just a typical racist. Nothing special about you or your racist beliefs.
  2. How do you think finding would feel if Trump ran as VP on the Republican ticket in 2028? Do you think he would be as hung ho about that as he is about obummer running as VP?
  3. This is diversity to tibs. Hire non whites only. Screw the white people. That’s fair in tibs pea brain. What an idiot!
  4. Yeah, like that would never get caught! 🙄
  5. Nope, that was the fbi entrapping dumb citizens into kidnapping gruesome whitmore. A total set up by the left.
  6. Sharp as a tack!!!
  7. Thats's not a woman! Thats's a man baby!!!
  8. So your for destroying democracy? It’s ok if it’s in your terms? F’n hypocrite!
  9. What’s the point of this thread?
  10. You saw how he treated that young black woman at his last rally. Totally snubbed her for that old geezer white lady. The face on the young woman was heartbreaking. He has a history of treating black men and women as second class citizens.
  11. How can anyone think this isn’t a fake is beyond me. You’d have to be a special kind of stupid to fall for this. It’s so obvious!
  12. He looks so lost! If he wasn’t such a complete scumbag I’d feel sorry for him. But , oh well.
  13. TDS is terminal with this one! Trump won’t leave! Trump will execute his political foes, Trump will end abortion, I’m sure I’m missing a bunch but this constant whining about what Trump would do in his second term is ridiculous. Good lord! Whatever happened to common sense?
  14. Are these people for real? Once again the crooked lefties on here are silent. They have no shame.
  15. The traitor lefties are awfully silent lately. Do they realize their gig is up? That the country is onto their corrupt ways? I doubt it, they’re not the brightest people ever.
  16. Where have all the lefty traitors go? They’ve been awfully quiet since their lies were exposed.
  17. All they do is lie. That’s it. Just a bunch of hypocrites.
  18. You just can’t stop lying. No wonder you love biden so much.
  19. These are the lefties people. They hate America and everything it stands for.
  20. I see a lot of cackling going on if she’s the president.
  21. The party of liars and hypocrites.
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