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Everything posted by Westside

  1. She’s a helluva lot more reliable than the lame stream media. My condolences you’re not bright enough to tell the difference.
  2. You hire the best qualified person, man or woman , white or black or Asian or Hispanic. Your beloved dictator even says he hires based on DEI. Look at the people he put in charge. How many trans and gay people are appointed political positions by biden? Looking at his hires, you would think trans people are the majority in this country. I don’t know who this lady is or if she is qualified to be the head of the USSS, but based on bidens previous hires it’s a safe bet to say she is indeed a DEI hire.
  3. Are you seriously that dense?
  4. You should know that hiring strictly on matching quotas is wrong. Geeze this isn’t hard!
  5. I think it happened because we have a morally corrupt president and disillusioned followers. Nothing to do with having a woman in charge. How narrow minded of you to even suggest that.
  6. Tell that to the families of the victims who were killed or critically injured. The fact that you and 4th&dumb laughed at them tells everyone what type of person you are. Totally repulsive!
  7. So you know who’s headed for hell? You really have lost all sense of reality. You belong in a mental institution.
  8. Thank the Lord he was not killed, my heart goes out to the families of the victim who was killed and the others who were critically injured. 😥
  9. With the way the rabid left has been attacking Trump there is every reason to believe it was done by a left wing nut job who believes that Trump is the next Hitler. You have a lot of nerve ( and no f’n common sense) to think your rhetoric has no bearing on this assassination attack. How perfectly convenient for you!!
  10. Is this supposed to be funny?
  11. His arrogance is only exceeded by his ignorance. What a terrible human being it must be to live with. So sad.
  12. bull####, you’re doing more than just reject an agenda. You’re willfully creating lies and hate to push your agenda. You have no interest in coming to agreement with those who have differing opinions. YOU and those like you are the problem!!!
  13. The liberal nut jobs on PPP are not doing anything to help their cause with such hateful rhetoric. Their true colors are showing. What a bunch of hateful people. How did they get so hateful?
  14. Liberals are like slinkies, they don’t have any real use but they put a smile on your face when you push them down the stairs.
  15. Liberals are lying sacks of 💩. They want to fundamentally destroy our country. Never seen a bigger group of crybaby mamas boys than the democrat party. Totally shameful how they disrespect the greatest country on earth!
  16. That’s the stupidest argument I’ve ever heard. Bush didn’t forgive student debt. Braindead did. Trying g to pin it on bush (who is a complete scumbag) is very liberal of you. Always someone else’s fault.
  17. Probably a liberal. They cause the most crime in this country. Very hateful bunch they are.
  18. Are you really this stupid? Or do you just play stupid on internet message boards?
  19. That’s what a real President does. Not take questions from chosen reporters with the questions and answers already given ahead of time. Biden is the WORST president ever!!!
  20. Then why move to another country (illegally) if they don’t want to assimilate?
  21. What evidence do you have that made you come to this opinion? The only one refusing to step down for the good of the country is a democrat. Bribem refuses to resign, I would not doubt he will refuse to step down in January if he loses. There is a much better chance of that happening.
  22. Strange more minorities aren’t taking advantage of the unlimited potential. They’d rather B word and moan about it, like pretty much all white liberal men.
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