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Everything posted by Westside

  1. Is she peacefully transitioning out of congress? Just curious liberals, is this ok?
  2. This putz looks like someone who was the 20th person on the VP list that would finally accept the nomination. He looks and sounds like a total loon!
  3. Does saying “convicted criminal” get you excited? Does it replace viagra for you?
  4. That’s not weird though.
  5. I’m glad to see the DL getting pressure. Extremely happy to hear Von is getting some good pressure on the Qb! Would love to see him playing like this in the regular season.
  6. The leftists are bat shitt crazy. That includes the the freaks on the left here!
  7. The denial on the left is strong!!! You must have mountains and mountains to accuse biden, but a rumor is good enough to convict Trump. The left have got to have the largest amount of dipshittz in the party to turn them so easily. They are quite literally blind when it comes to democrat politicians committing crimes.
  8. He definitely wouldn’t agree with you.
  9. I’m sure the leftists got all excited when they saw that! F’n pervs.
  10. ***** How about slut? Prostitute? Scum bag? Low life? Knee pads kumala?
  11. He shuffles like a zombie!
  12. Democrats don’t care about Americans. They can sleep out in the streets while the illegals get brand new apartments. F’n disgusting demonrats at it again!!! Totally disgraceful and unacceptable!
  13. Do you have any proof besides your claims he did this? Seriously, do you have any proof? How do you feel about the summer of love on 2020? Was that unimportant?
  14. But you don’t mind having a prostitute as a president? Some where along the way you sold your soul. More concerned with a stupid golf tournament than your own country! Unbelievable!
  15. I find it funny how you feelz Trump sold his soul to play in a golf tournament but kumala sold her body to advance in politics. You play the part of a victim wonderfully!
  16. I’ve never seen this in all my years. Sure, the media lies every day, but to blatantly lie about something you can google in less than 30 seconds and then tell you it never happened is a whole new level of evil. The democratic party needs to disbanded if we expect to live in a free country. They want to take your freedom away! F them!!!!!
  17. She is a *****. Just because you don’t like to hear it doesn’t mean she isn’t. She’s nothing more than a prostitute screwing her way up the political ladder. She’s a joke of a human being. Totally classless and clueless. In other words a typical democrat these days. Not even close. Try again but this time take your blinders off.
  18. Well, kumala is a prostitute. She sold her body to advance in politics. Now she’s running for president. Unbelievable how far this country has fallen under democratic leadership. Unbelievable!!!
  19. Hey just curious, why don’t you want to know the truth? Why do you want to be lied too?
  20. This is billlslime new puppet account. Are all democrats this f’n stupid?
  21. That is great news! If he can translate that to actual game play would make him unstoppable. Really excited for this season!
  22. Consider she raised money to bail the rioters out of jail, no wonder they’ve become emboldened. She gives them the green light to break the law and riot (mostly peaceful) just like the antifa summer of love in 2020! The hamas rioters are the same loser antifa rioters. The militant arm of the demoncrat party.
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