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Everything posted by Westside

  1. This is nothing new. The whole dummycrats party is infested with Chinese spies. Look how many lefties have been caught spying for china posing as democrats? That whole political party are sellouts to the Chinese government.
  2. His mental state seems to be the same as the teams mental state when they have to play a good team. So much for our drafting character guys.
  3. Oliver has sucked this year. Jones is invisible and couldn’t make a play if nobody was guarding him. Our DE’s are very very inconsistent. We came into this year depleted because of being in cap hell. And the players Beane brought in flat out suck. I blame the front office if things go south this year. Beane gets too much credit and not enough criticism. To me he is a below average GM. With the way he’s managed the cap and the draft picks he’s chosen have been less than stellar. I could never see teams like KC, Balt, SF keeping beane around after all his bad decisions. But he has a lifetime employment contract with the bills who think he’s the greatest thing since sliced bread.
  4. Same goes with your cult leader. You’re just a useful idiot to them. This has got to be the most ridiculous post I’ve ever read. Keep worshipping your leftists gods like Soro and Gates. They care about you! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  5. Leftists lie, all the time. Every post on PPP is either deflecting, attacking the source, attacking the poster. They never, ever face up to what they are doing. It’s a deliberate tactic by the the leftists. They can’t defend what they’ve done so they accuse their opponents of doing what they did. They have no grounds to stand on. It’s cult like behavior. Very weird.
  6. The mods are pretty much leftists and will take that side every time. Sad and weird.
  7. If Hyena wins, expect more of this happening. Total degenerates the leftists are.
  8. You mean the leftist’s lied!! I’m shocked I tell you!!! Shocked!!
  9. What a crock of schitt that last line is! That’s a person who has no clue what the hell they’re talking about!
  10. The more you learn, the more you realize how much of a freak the leftists are! Totally weird and disgusting!
  11. They sure do turn on each other pretty quickly! The leftist’s on here who think they will snag a sweet gig with the Marxists leftists better start thinking twice about who they support. But of course they won’t. They lack the cognitive ability to think rationally.
  12. You’re happy to watch the country crash and burn. That would make you very happy I bet. I'm sure you’ll have a sweet position lined up for you with the new world order. lol, like they’d want a little weasel like you anywhere near the NWO elites. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  13. Much rather have a dumb ass skank who slept her way through her career. Who’s also dumb as a rock.
  14. Well she grew up in a middle class family and yada yada yada……..
  15. They always seem to forget to mention that.
  16. The left wants to save murderers but have no problem killing innocent babies. weird and hypocritical.
  17. They still manage to blame Trump! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 So weird!!
  18. Gotta love these leftists! They jump for joy at the thought of killing a baby but disprove of killing a scumbag murderer. weird….
  19. Oh lord! Don’t give leftists another race to hate on!
  20. Annual D picnic? Hahahahahaha…… I hope you invited all the illegal immigrants. I wouldn’t eat the stew the Haitian people brought! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 What am I thinking! Of course you invited the illegals! You needed someone to set up, serve then clean up after all the “elite” D’s! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  21. What a load of garbage!
  22. Watch the tears flow from the leftists! 🤣🤣🤣😊
  23. If Hamas and hezbolla put down their weapons, there would be peace. If Israel were to put down there’s, they would be slaughtered. That’s the truth. That’s what the left wants.
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