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  1. Never said a word about drunk kamala on her campaign trail.
  2. All these leftists pearl clutching about SS, are really worried there welfare check will get cut.
  3. Diggs was a cancer in the locker room. Good riddance.
  4. Gunner, I respect the heck out of you, but I think (hope) you’re wrong. He’s such an easy guy to root for and I think we haven’t seen the best of him yet.
  5. He was one exciting fighter! Loved the way he fought!
  6. Well you would have guessed wrong. lol. As usual. No one is going to cut SS. You’re just fear mongers. You should be ashamed of yourself!
  7. 👆 Speaking of dumb leftists.
  8. Good Lord! What a bunch of pearl clutching betas. Nobody is going to touch your SS disability. What a bunch of simps!
  9. Like I say, leftists are mentally insane.
  10. Leftists are the byproduct of closing mental asylum’s. They would have been locked up if they were still around.
  11. Them black folks are just as smart as white kids. Brandon
  12. Typical idiot Canadian
  13. Like you actually give a **** about them. 😂😂😂😂
  14. Who cares what this Karen thinks? She looks and sounds like your typical commie leftist.
  15. Got to balance out that soros money somehow.
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