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  1. Because it’s not Ukraines money they’re using! It’s ours and we are 37 trillion dollars in debt! How long do you want to keep funding a war they doesn’t have anything to do with us? If Trump cured cancer (which biden claimed he would do) you would still hate him! You have a very serious mental illness that you should be medicated for.
  2. The leftists have lost their minds!
  3. A trans woman is a man. Get it got it good!
  4. Get a job. Do they tax your welfare check?
  5. Leftists hate this country with a passion. It kills them to see it prosper.
  6. Maybe if you actually worked for a living and not leech off the government with your so called disability, maybe you would understand basic economics? Since all you have to do is lay around on your fatass and collect your welfare check every month.
  7. What an awesome and powerful President we finally have!!! Brandon couldn’t even do half of what President Trump did. He couldn’t stay awake that long!
  8. Like you actually give two shitz about anyone but yourself.
  9. Are you trans? I’m willing to bet the way you defend trans people you are either a closet trans or a full blown freak. Would explain a lot of your posts. Men pretending to be women is a mental disease.
  10. He’s not going to take away your free money from SSDI. You’ll still be able to mooch off the system like you’ve always done.
  11. Are they related to the 50 intelligence officers who said hunters laptop was russian disinformation? You leftists lie like a rug without blinking an eye! What a bunch of psychopaths in the democrat party!
  12. Are you drinking this morning? That has to be the most ridiculous word salad I’ve heard since harris was campaigning. Stay in canada, you’ll be much safer there! 🤣
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