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  1. Bishop looks horrible out there. He looks lost and out of position all the time. I’m afraid he has bust written all over him.
  2. No, McDermott has a lifetime contract. As long as the Bills win the regular season and tickets and merchandise keep selling, there’s no reason to change anything.
  3. Why was Allen throwing to Coleman on crucial plays when we have Cooper warming the bench? This coaching staff seems to have an issue with playing anyone who is new to the team. It’s absolutely ridiculous. It feels like we threw away the third round to acquire Cooper who we seldom played!
  4. 99% of fans? I respectfully disagree. I like Joe, he’s ok. Not the best but not the worst. The weakness was the coaching staff. Saying Allen was a weakness when the only reason we were in the game is because of him. I agree 100% with your comment. But trusting Beane to sign the right free agents and drafting when he’s proven over and over again the ability or the talent to identify and fix our problems is not his strength.
  5. Finally the adults are in charge now. North Carolina will not be ignored by this administration like it was from the last. I can’t tell you how happy I am the leftists have been soundly defeated.
  6. WTF is this word salad you just spewed all over TBD?
  7. This is the exact moment I knew you are way over your head.
  8. Nah. He is quite experienced at twisting his own words into pretzels to make his delusional point.
  9. Just think, the biden administration could have done the same. Instead they decided to open up the borders to deliberately weaken our country! He and the rest of his administration needs to be held accountable for such a traitorous criminal act!
  10. it's only fair..........
  11. Exactly what your post is. It’s your typical ignorant, emotional response. You are unaware that describes you to a T!
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