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Jeff Lebowski

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  1. Let's Gooooo! We got this!!! Let's Gooooo! We got this!!!
  2. From Napoli. Italy 🇮🇹 Go Bills! Let's Gooooo!
  3. Bills 34 Chefs 24 Great Googly Moogly!
  4. I've already told my boss that if the Bills make it to the SB and win, I'm flying back from Italy the following day to be at the parade. My liver is going to hate me, lol. Go Bills!
  5. La Thuile, Italy on the Italian/French border. I live in Napoli and am up here skiing for a few days.
  6. We're going to beat them tonight, I'm sure of it. Just had a good omen happen. Sitting in a pub in LA Thuile, Italy drinking a beer (because it's too foggy to ski), and just 5 minutes earlier I tell my friends I need to cue up some Goos, as is my normal tradition before a game. Guess what just played on the Italian radio station?! Fuggin Goo Goo Dolls! It's a sign! Go Bills!!!!
  7. Let's fuggin Goooooo! I'll be watching from Italy... We got this!
  8. On any given Sunday! Worry about next week when and if it gets here. Better yet, stop the wringing of hands.We can beat them...5 other teams already have!
  9. I've been lurking here since the early days of this board and read it many times each day. I always valued his posts as they were well thought out and insightful. May he rest in peace.
  10. Diggs down in Houston...
  11. Someone needs to get in his ear and tell him to calm the eff down, play his game, and take the underneath stuff. He's missing easy throws
  12. Way to beat the nerves. Solid first drive.
  13. Way to beat the nerves. Solid first drive.
  14. I don't post here much, but read the threads daily. But I can't stand the words scared and fear. Should we be concerned about the Ravens? Sure. But to say we're scared is chickensh*t. They're a good team that deserves respect, not fear. Carry on...
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