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Everything posted by MasterStrategist

  1. Can't get tested there however...strict rules that it has to be at Bills lot 4
  2. Testing also has to be done at Bills stadium lot 4, 2-3 days prior to gameday....so anybody traveling will be a bit more inconvenienced as well
  3. 1. STH who opted in 2. STH seniority 3. And STH will be provided a "time windown" to see if tickets are available to.purchase
  4. Agree, I think today is likely going to be a decision for "go or no go", at least for wild card weekend.
  5. Agree, Barkley serves and has served very well as another resource/mentor for Josh. Great friends, in addition, and when you have someone you trust to bounce ideas, it definitely helps. As for this year, Allen took the leap the team was hoping for, but it wasn't guaranteed and they didn't want to disrupt that development/consistency (on top of all that, COVID has had a major impact obviously on all training camp/pre season). Now next season, I think the time is right to evaluate available backup.options (Fromm might be ready, ideal situation, or they look to other FAs).
  6. I think it's a stretch to claim the "teams" agree with your stance that 2 vs 3 seed doesn't matter, based on Ben sitting. How much have you followed the Steelers this year? I can say confidently not as much as I, living in Pittsburgh region. 1.Ben is dinged up, knee, elbow, getting old you name it 2.on defense their linebackers are decimated by injuries, and have little.depth remaining 3. On top of all that, they basically were forced into a very early season bye week, bc of Titans Covid situation in October My point is, the steelers situation is.not the norm and far different than ours. They might be willing to concede that 2 seed, in order to rest a few banged up players. I think we will do the same, rest our banged up guys and then see what mcdermott does from there. But I don't think they are willing to say 2 vs 3 seed means little. Ok maybe no fans, so what, here are some other factors that certainly influence home field advantage: 1. Weather: Pitt vs Buffalo might be similar, so maybe a draw there, and I'm sure buffalo's offense nor is pittsburghs geared up for a snow game pound it, both would rather pass 2. Travel/Routine: big difference in terms of staying in familiar surroundings, then having to manage travel and time it takes. Yes minimal flight time, but still multiple hours and having to get on a plane 3. Home Field: want to compare kicking a field goal in Pittsburgh to Buffalo? big difference at Heinz, let alone the playing surface, the wind patterns, etc. These might be minor to a novice, but playing Qb and being familiar with how the wind comes.from tunnel.side to cross field, and how it influences deep passes, etc. 4. Pride: yeah maybe minor, but these guys take pride playing "at home", even if fans aren't allowed in. Our house mentality So yeah, im in the crowd that favors us getting the 2 seed. Do it in a way where we escape the Miami game as healthy as possible, but its still important
  7. Way too early to say who a team would rather have for the long-term future between Herbert and Tua. We will see in a few years. But definitely fair to say that Herbert has had a better start to his career if thats heavily influenced by his surrounding talent (Keenan Allen who is a stud, Mike Willams,.Hunter Henry, Ekeler, etc) i think that is also fair assessment. But Herbert looks more decisive and has had one of the best rookie Qb seasons in history. Tua looks like a game manager to me right now, not someone who is going to turn it over much at all, but also not.going to win you a game. Exactly why a defensive minded coach why Flores prefers him to Fitz (who is turnover prone at times), but also why Fitz comes in "to win it". Im sorry but if I was a dolphins fan, let alone Tua, I have no clue how I condone that (great, it won you guys the Raiders game, u still lost doing the same thing against Denver). Training wheels should be coming off at some point
  8. Miami reminds me a lot of Pittsburgh from last year, from a defensive (and in Miami case, S/T as well) to help score points and influence games. Pittsburghs defense was more suffocating, whereas Miami's defense has been giving up decent yardage but very efficient/great at generating pressure looks and turnovers. Flores is great at disguising his pressure packages. Miami also has a much better QB (if its Tua or Fitz) then the steelers debacle last yr and easier schedule. That said, I would rate Miami's offense below any other Afc contending playoff team and why I think they are the easiest competition. That Denver game was ugly, Raiders should have been a loss if Gruden didn't overthink it, and Rams/Cardinals were fluke games with defensive and S/t scores. Credit due to Miami still for getting the wins, but could easily be a 8-7 team right now and thats what Miami feels like to me from watching them play (a slightly above .500 team, with young talent but not enough playmakers on offense yet and defense getting fortunate at key times). With a Qb being groomed for the future, who looks to be more conservative with his decision making right now. Id love to play Miami round 1 of playoffs, we shall see
  9. Let me clarify: 1. Week to week: I agree that when mcdermott says this, it has historically meant a multiple week injury, however... 2. Week 17 plan: this is not a typical week, per mcdermott, they know their plan but we won't know until Sunday, if starters are even playing or if they'll play limited/certain length of game 3. Unknown injury: it has been speculated to be a knee, quad, or.foot.injury. we don't even know yet 4. all above said, if starters or certain starters are being held.out, that is what I meant by mcdermotts comment. We all just need to wait and see
  10. Nobody knows how bad the injury is yet, or if McDermott is simply saying he's out this week. Agree the verbiage isn't as good as day to day, but will wait and see (next week) for his status, before getting bent out of shape. Dont expect him to practice at all this week.
  11. My guess would be a collective group...we know Daboll is extremely balanced, and will move ppl around (motion or lining up as the #1, #2,#3 receiver). So I wouldn't expect 1 player, but it would be a huge loss. That said, I've said it multiple times here and sticking with it until I hear otherwise, that I think Beas is fine (contusion/very mild strain or sprain)
  12. I have been around football, coaching and playing for a long period, and would say that many athletic trainers are going to very cautious if they suspect any knee ligament damage (mcl, acl, lcl, or pcl) and limit the swelling, by keeping said players motion to a minimum. Not a battle of who knows more or who is right, i know we're both hoping for the best. Just my opinion from my experience that this doesn't seem to be serious. Go Bills! Beas is a tough dude, prayers its a minor thing
  13. Fair assessment, but everything is a pure guess right now (unless.someone has insider info). For example, I also.saw trainers pointing to outside of knee, but maybe it was "knee to knee" or some contusion. Looked like he took a strange step with left knee to adjust to under thrown pass, but leg wasn't straight (so no hyperextension i wouldn't think), but then his knee bumps against the patriot defender at the end of play. I'm not a trained medical staffer, but know many and have worked with many. Enough to know that the trainers should know if any ligament damage is a concern, and if so, he would immediately be on crutches or had the leg wrapped in ice. Who knows at this point, but my guess is a contusion or mild sprain of some sort and he will be ok for next week
  14. Just a guess, either way hoping its minor
  15. Looked like trainers pointing to outside knee, maybe an mcl. Hopefully just a slight hypereztension
  16. looks ok, maybe a misstep on that bad throw by barkley
  17. waiting for the fake, playing it safe
  18. Maybe Jordan looked like his bell got rung, but had his senses fine going into locker room....if it's a blowout, then no reason to risk it tho
  19. Edmunds held on that 1st toss sweep for big gain...but let's go now
  20. If they come out in that dime look all game again, pound it down their freaking throat all night....lfg
  21. Dolphins playing well too, but acting like Flores should be trusted and is making a great choice(s) handling the qb situation is just garbage. Its obvious Fitz is their better option right now....they already blew the Denver game bc Tua was terrible
  22. Obviously Brown out sucks. But more concerning is they gameplanned assuming he would be available all week. Daboll likely found out yesterday, hopefully enough time and did a solid job adjusting the gameplan
  23. Agree, very good take. I think someone is interested in signing him to their 53
  24. Exactly. As unspectacular (or uninteresting to many) of a game, the Wft vs Eagles makes most sense. Kudos to Nfl for not making any biased decisions that would give any teams an advantage in their decision making
  25. Depends on the cadence for each team... Many use a variance of: 1. Quick snap: any word, such as "set", "go", "hut" 2. On a count: such as on 2 or 3. Some teams use a repeatable phrase, ex: green Bay uses 'green 18'..so on 2, would be green 18, green 18.(ball snapped) 3. On a specific word: such as 'set' or 'hut' or 'go'. ex: on 'set'..green 18 green 18 ready set (ball snapped) 4. Silent count: usually reserved for loud road games, not typical this yr 5. etc. Bottom line each team does their own thing, and has certain ways to cadence, and also try to keep the defense off balance/less of a jump, or even draw Offside. Alot comes down to QB voice pitches, can they adjust "hard" counts without getting their own oline to false start.
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