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Everything posted by MasterStrategist

  1. Questionable. As are Breeland (didnt see anything that he cleared protocol yet), Fenton, and Bell (although he didn't practice all week and exp to sit). CEH limited practice all week with his ankle/hip, I dont think we will see him tow the rock nearly as much if he plays. Likely Williams timeshare
  2. Signed as an emergency option in the super bowl...nothing to see here
  3. Spags and the KC defense simulate pressure, A LOT! Even the 1st time we played them, they blitzed as you said, but then brought their safeties down and bailed to a cover 2 press man look (Baltimore tried to mimic this against us, IMO). I'm more concerned we figure out the bailing safeties. Best way to defeat that is with a quick hitting run play, while the safeties are flying back. Its tough, makes the Qb want to check out of the run and to a pass when you see 8 or even 9 down in the box. This is why I think we need to run some "tempo", get some snaps at like 15 left on the playclock and then this will help later in the game if we make them show their looks quicker, allowing us to adjust. Also think being under center and running more playaction, and of course mixing in some runs will definitely help. Dropping into shotgun as much as we did against Bmore would be a mistake IMO. Best drive was our opening 3rd qtr drive where we mixed in under center, with thr shotgun looks. Its a copy cat league and I'm confident Daboll will have them ready.
  4. Lol. It did, glitch in the matrix. Still waiting for someone to post what they got on the Motor injury front, haha...or maybe I'll post 20 more times
  5. You are about the 10th person to imply Motor is injured.....what proof, ue:tweet, quote, what play in the game/time remaining? Otherwise its already getting old
  6. When is quacks like a duck and waddles like a duck, 99% of the time it is a DUCK. I agree we all.dont know what it is. But ill go with what is more likely, more obvious, and he suffered a concussion. If you want to latch onto a very unlikely diagnosis, which the team doctors would have immobilized or not let him run into the locker room if they thought a pinched nerve, then go for it
  7. Again, all this "pinched nerve" nonsense is coming from some flak reporter that Chris Jones scolding out previously. Mahomes is still in the concussion protocol, they don't put you in that for a pinched nerve, unless you have conclusion symptoms.
  8. Source is some kc radio/CBS repeorter...schefty Rappaport nothing...so I'll wait and see
  9. Agree to an extent. This works both ways, Chiefs will need to also plan for Mahomes-less offense. Especially with concussion protocol, it isn't like the chiefs can secretly predict how quickly he progresses. They may know 1 practice in advance of us, tops. I'm sure we will have a Henne strategy ready to roll out, if needed
  10. Agree, Yolo posted he saw bills reporters tweet something near end of game...but I haven't seen the tweets or anything official from the team Source?
  11. Nobody knows that for certain. If he has a concussion, there are quite a few hurdles with the protocol and the nfl won't be interfering. Now there are 2 other quotes out there: 1. Andy reid: said he was doing well after the game, and said he got hit in the back of head but wind was knocked out of him 2. Glazer said he was told that mahomes injury mimicked a "choke out" situation, reduced blood flow hence unstable limbs. I obviously don't know, but Reids quote sounds foolish. Glazer could be true, but I'll have to say that I have never witnessed this in a football game.
  12. People shot down your take because you stated (or similar to this): that you sometimes have similar issues (legs or limbs numb) when turning/contorting your neck... Nobody knows what thr deal is yet, and the nfl doesn't put mahomes in the protocol. It is a team physician and independent neurologists (hired by nfl).
  13. I've never seen anyone get "choked out" in football, especially in a play that fast. However what it looked like to me, was he got hit in the back of his head (base near neck). Not to speculate, but like boxing, that is very dangerous area to have force applied. This could be a concussion, or other head injury. All we know, Mahomes got up and was super unstable for a few moments. Then ran into the locker room. Mahomes is one tough dude, he tried to come back into the game when his kneecap was dislocated last year too. Concussion/head issues are super volatile, vary person to person. Those side affect symptoms take time to settle in and wear off. We will wait and see, but it is concerning anytime you have a head injury and hope that said player can recover long term.
  14. if mahomes has turf toe, that will be two qbs we will play in the playoffs with that injury (rivers)
  15. Chiefs are great, no doubt. But this is the same Cleveland defense who almost blew last weeks game, Ben threw for 500+...and Ravens put up 40+ points on. They need to do something other than drop back in zone all game, otherwise they will get torched.
  16. Agree looked like an ankle sprain, not dreaded high ankle though. Definitely limited his cuts and even straight line running rest ofnthe game. Extra day of rest will be a big help this week
  17. As a Bills fan living in Steeler country, I agree with your friends point about Big Ben and prior Steeler Wrs. However, biggest difference is Ben vs Allen. Ben has matured over the years, especially since he settled down and had a child, but that guy was a true douche bag. Still has some of those tendencies too. Josh is the complete opposite than Ben, character-wise...and you could say work ethic too, Ben was known to be lazy and be overweight coming into training camp every season. So long story short, not worried about it.
  18. What play (game.clock) are you referring to, in regard to Motor? I didn't see anything, just looked like they put in Yeldon as a sub on the live feed
  19. Need to convert 3rd downs, we've been doing it all season. Confidence should be there. Be strong
  20. Unlimited call ups...so it really isn't indicative that either will dress
  21. Ok, I am thinking the #s game would.prohibt too. Tough choice, Yeldon is certainly more than capable of stepping up
  22. Yolo, and others....I may have missed some Coach press conferences this week. What is your thougjt on Williams being active? Then if so, who would be the logical choice to sit
  23. Re watched the game.... 1. Daryl:pretty certain he got injured on the kickoff, after Bass long field goal 4th qtr 2. Edmunds: he was moving the exact same, not showing any hamstring issues on the final 4 drives. He was even running outside, press coverage at a wr on the hail mary. Didnt look like he injured on that last play, but possible...he didn't pull up or act like he strained/pulled it in any way. Could just be general soreness
  24. Yes went back to watch some of last years game... 1. we did stay in our "base" 4-3 defense alot...good call on Zo. Yeah will be interesting if we go with Klein or stay in nickle with Taron. 2. Tremaine played a real great game, physical downhill tackling. 3. We blitzed Lamar quite a bit on 3rd downs, primarily to take away rushing lanes IMO 4. Star did play well too, im a bit worried about getting pushed around in the middle. Our 5 man rotation needs to step up 5. Bmore runs a ton of cover 0, Josh needed to put some more touch on his deep passes. At least try to draw interference 6. Motor was a beast. I know Bmore added some studs to that front, so I don't expect t to be able to run like we did. I'm all for getting our RBs involved in thr passing game 7. We need to score early. Its been mentioned, but make Lamar come from behind. 8. Give Smoke 2-3 deep ball shots. We tried to connect with him and Foster last yr, just 1 connection might change that defensive aggressiveness
  25. I dont recall Zo subbing at all for Taron or any other CB against Bmore last season. I think we played him at DE a bit more than usual that game, but also he played at a 3-technique on passing 3rd down situations...I'd have to go rewatch
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