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Richard Crickets

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  1. You are not paid to be eloquent, Tasker used to be, now he’s basically a legacy charity case, and a stammering, borderline unintelligible one at that. And lol who is Robin Leach? Maybe like Tasker, he was cool in the 90’s
  2. I couldn’t agree more. He is constantly stammering and has little command of the language. He’s ineloquent, struggles with player names, and whatever the opposite of ‘modern’ or ‘relevant’ is...that’s Tasker. The thing is, our fan-base is loaded with dudes identical to Tasker..obsessed with the past, ineloquent, mildly-racist and just...antiquated. Barf. Anyways, Tasker is the worst.
  3. Do you know why this is a bad take? I’ll help.. #Hughes #McCoy #Lawson
  4. Who is the greatest undrafted qb of all time?
  5. Singletary had 66 td’s so he’s an A+ right?
  6. Mannn I LOVE this pick!! Ford was a potential 1st, he’s healthy, versatile, and was a huge part of a winning program. Dude has kings blood in him. Also, it’s WAYYYY better to draft and develop your own D & O lineman then to sign them in Free-Agency. ALSO, building the lines makes things easier for Josh, Jerry, our LB’s DB’s and RB’s. It’s not flashy, it’s smart. And I appreciate a GM who isn’t playing message-board hero-ball with every pick. Go Bills!!
  7. I think we signed the youngest Free Agent RB. I think he had like 80 targets or so too.
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